I see there is some interest in parts of Guernsey Count particulary the north eastern portion.  Can anyone elaborate on this?  Possibley we even need a Guernsey Co. group.  Thanks!

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I am sure they did their homework on the geology of the location so I am highly optimistic that it will be a good producer.
Scott This is work in progreee the drill bit well tell the story Geology is a science the drill bite proves all believe me I know I have drilled hundreds of wells with this well however the horizontad lateral could make all the difference good luck to all. Mike

Hey, for any of you who haven't seen it. The CEO of Chesapeake, Aubrey McClendon, was on Cramer Monday. There is a 10 minute clip with him talking about the Utica play in Ohio. Here is the link to the site. I found it very interesting and informative.....


I agree and am hopeful that this well will be a good producer. I am hoping that they will drill on our property and we will make money on the production side. I would like to have a fair lease amount, but the real value is certainly in the product.


That said, I don't want to lease my rights away for too low a price.


However, Lease language is VERY IMPORTANT to me.

We just got back , was out to see the well site,I    got to say this Gods country and a  lot of white trucks .
You take any pics of the beast?
Yes ' I'll see if I can get them here on the site .
Hope this works( Kimbolton Well Aug 4 2011)



Thanks for the pictures, they look great!


Wow it is a beast!
The pad looks to be under 5 acres, not  large enough  for fracking trucks just curious if they'll use water from wills creek that's in the area.
One must see this in person.  Pictures can't do it justice.


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