
Potter County, PA

All things pertaining to leasing, drilling and production in Potter County.

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Comment by Tom Ayers on June 9, 2010 at 10:45pm
Hi Bonnie, From what I have been reading, Potter is growing hotter for gas exploraion, which brings McKean into play. McKean & Potter were formerly though to be too thin, but I have heard some wells in both counties are doing much better volumes than expected. Lease prices vary, but I would say $3K/acre is very competitive for you provided you have a tight lease. Before signing anything, recommend you have an O & G atty review it to protect your interests.
Comment by Bonnie Swinehart on June 9, 2010 at 2:29pm
Hi everyone. I am in Mckean county, right next to the Potter County line. I have 80 acres. Can anyone tell me what gas lease prices they have gotten for their property?We have been approached by a gas co. and it is hard to find any current info on what people have been offered. Can anyone help me? I was told there are several wells in Mc Kean county, not to far from us. I live out of the area and do not hear about what is going on there. I did look at the lease prices on the document that is on this site,but there are none for Mckean County. I have gotten info on a the 4 county group,but looking at all options.
Comment by Scott Buchsen on May 19, 2010 at 2:01am
If you don't own your OGM'S you don't have a lot of say about what they can/can not do. You as the landowner can not stop a OGM owner from searching for his minerals.

Talk to the seismic company. They will work with you.
Comment by Thomas m. Janci on May 19, 2010 at 1:58am
I am a Small land owner in Clara Twsp. recently approached by company for sesmic testing. I am looking for a Rights Group or legal representation in Potter County.
Comment by Randall Caccia on April 19, 2010 at 10:15am
I have heard that the townships are using the residual waste water to spread on the dirt roads to keep the 'dust' down. This doesn't seem right with all the toxins associated with the waste water.
Comment by Tom Ayers on April 18, 2010 at 2:57pm
I believe that will change in 2010 - lots of activity in the Marshlands in SW Tioga and into Potter in the Germania area, plus grat interest in leasing for a large block of acreage and several landowners in the Hebron area.

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