Significant improvement.   Most of the comments columns are filled in with the well status (not yet drilled, shut-in, not completed, etc.)  

Note to Lynn and Josie:  Kennedy 137D is listed as "Inactive Status Applied for (Jan 2012)".

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I don't know.  There was a page of definitions on the DEP website but I don't find it on the updated version. 

All that drilling and SWEPI only has 7 wells in the top 50 (1 in the top 20) in total output for this reporting period. The top 50 is all Seneca, Talisman and Novus. That is a double edge sword of course with gas prices what they are. It just really gives you a clear picture of how different companies deal with their lease holds. They will probably all sell out to SWEPI before its all said and done.

SWEPI has what ERI had, which was built on T/BR leases.  East didn't have the $$ to bid on the DCNR Marcellus land. 

How many SWEPI wells are actually producing? I know that there are dozens of wells in my area, but none are on a pipeline, so we have no idea how they will do. I think that is the case in most of Tioga Co.

"Marcellus gas production in state continues steady climb in 2011
Terry Engelder, a Penn State University geosciences professor whose research anticipated the wealth of gas in the Marcellus, said without at least monthly public production reports "gas well performance can not be analyzed in a sensible way."

He suggested that a recently downgraded federal estimate of the amount of gas in the Marcellus can be attributed at least in part to the "unreliable nature" of developing resource estimates "based exclusively on data that come from 12 and 6 month periods."

He has had to ask individual royalty owners to share their monthly gas-production records in order to more accurately trace how quickly gas production drops off - crucial information for gleaning how much a well will ultimately produce in its lifetime.

Mandating monthly data reports would require another change in state law, he said, but without it "we continue to have confusion about just how rich the Marcellus really is." ..."


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