“If you’re not work­ing in Tioga County now, it’s because you don’t want a job,”...

"Dri­ving through Tioga State For­est, Weaver says he knows the coun­try needs nat­ural gas. And he can per­son­ally vouch for the Mar­cel­lus Shale’s ben­e­fits. Two of his three sons hold drilling-related jobs – along with what seems like nearly every­one else in the region. “If you’re not work­ing in Tioga County now, it’s because you don’t want a job,” he argues."


No question that Marcellus development is providing well paying jobs to some TC residents.  But what about those who:  don't have a CDL and a clean driving record; flunk the drug screening; are 55+, female and/or disabled; are primary care-givers who can't work irregular hours or relocate on short notice;  etc?      


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The people taking the gas-related jobs are freeing up all those great jobs at Tops and McDonald's :-). When I was desperately looking for a job 3 or 4 years ago, even they weren't available.  The only offer I got was Trucklite 3pm-12 shift, but I was a single mother of school-aged children; with a 3pm-12 shift, I'd be gone when they got home from school and they'd be in bed when I got home, so I didn't take it. Fortunately, I no longer need a job; I have few material needs and can live for several years on my bonus alone, not even counting any royalties that may come...the Marcellus has been very very good to me already.

http://www.stargazette.com/article/20111211/NEWS01/112110338/Worker... Lynn, God bless the man that died at this well sight. Do you know anything about this well it says oil well,I think its in your area? 

It wasn't near me; it was in Antrim.

Then I would think those folks will continue to stay in the job or situation they are in now..Not everyone is fit for a Marcellus job, not all the jobs are for laborers or the unskilled, some are jobs needing degrees..that doesn't make you an indifferent person , just not a Marcellus Job person. I'd say you need to rethink your career opportunies in this county period..I encouraged my older children to leave the area to find work..Two out of three did and are doing very well..One stayed and her husband has a Marcellus job, she is a CNA, they are a young married couple with little ones..He is laid off already, but he is a soldier and departing for the Sand soon. Each persons situation is different and for that man to say "you don't want a job" may or may not apply, it is a very general broad statement. Marcellus is  not for everyone and some do have other choices.  Wal Mart and our local food fast food establishments are  past desperate.  Wal Mart  is a mess with people not showing up , not wanting to work, leave at lunch and don't return. I'm not sure it is because of Marcellus or the total lack of work ETHICS among the youth of today.


The other day I witnessed an incident at the Evil Empire (aka Wal Mart). A young man of large stature  had been pulling one of those little lifts to move displays around the store. He got to a display and stood there sighing and literally whining that no one was there to help him..And he just waited , and I observed ..he waited and I observed , this went on for five min. at least. I was rather curious how this would pan out..Eventually another employee arrived, a women of a very lean stature and obviously in your late 50's to early 60's..He said to her " I didn't think I'd ever get any help!"..she replies "I'm here now, let's get moving!" ..She then reached up and grabbed a big screen tv while he whined how big they were and she set it on the cart and just glared at him!! I had to walk away because that young man and me would of went around..If he was mine , holy wow , I would of lost it..LOL My sons from young to old, know to open doors, to help someone in need and to step up to the plate for anyone in need working or not..This boy was taught no work ethics, how to treat a women, nor was he wanting to EARN HIS PAYCHECK..He certainly didn't mind her earning it for him. I even stood and listened to a Dollar General Employee who was probably 18-21 whine how her feet her because she had been standing on them since 8am..It wasn 't even noon. The older gentlemen behind me piped up and said "when your 70's years old and your feet have been in these workboots for 12 hr shifts for 20 yrs *looking down at his feet) then you can complain!"..No kidding, so I smiled at her and said "buy some better shoes sweetie , this is just the beginning"..I really wanted to say "are you kidding?!" Let's not mention my daughter worked through a year of chemo ! This is a common thing I witness in various situations all over Tioga Co. kids who don't want to work, but these kids seem to be getting older and older..Im witnessing the graduating class of 2000 and up being lazy period, I'm also seeing many people of retirement age still working, not enjoying that American Dream, that has been going on for 10 plus years..So maybe in essence what this man is saying is correct. We haul in workers from other states because our local younger men and women dont' want to work. UGH


On the plus side, my husbands job opportunities broadened and he got a better paying job..though he is in a slow period now too..



The article and OP is, in general, a broad statement. It holds water though. Basically all it is saying is that there are opportunities available that were not available just 3-4 years ago. I know many folks that had struggled to get decent paying work in Tioga County and surrounding areas and have found work either directly within the industry or in support of the industry in one form or another. It is great for this area, but we all need to remember that this is moving quickly and will not be sustained for long. Man jobs will last beyond the drilling but most will move on.


Robin, I very much agree that the younger generation (Not all of thew younger generation) doesn't have a sliver of the work ethic of previous generations. Many don't know what it means to truly be struggleing finacially and to actually scrape for every penny. Even my own generation has proved to be extremely wasteful and ungrateful for what we do have. I am admittedly much "softer" than my father when it comes to doing break back work. I actually find myself having to make an effort to find hard work to do. Life has gotten much more simple to say the least. My job hardly requires more than my brains and myy fingers. Growing up it was routine for my father and I to cut, split, stack, haul, and restack our heating wood every year. My house now is heated economically with natural gas. I had to convince my wife to let me refurbish our fireplace so that we could get wood and have a real fire, all because I craved the work and exercise from my childhood(all be it on a much smaller level). Ya, lazy seems to be a something that can be taking place in today's society with out a doubt. I haven't the slightest idea how this issue could be addressed. I think that this semi-depression this nation is in could be a good thing if people are reminded that nothing comes for free and that hard work will always be what this nation was built on and has thrived on. I think our political leaders need to be the first to act on this one though. IMHO. 

Yes, but ...if we all started being significantly more self-suffecient, unemployment would rise. 

I truely believe being self sufficient is important..Back in the days..When I had my goat dairy, I barely bought anything from the store in the way of food. I used everything from our farm, from fruits and veges, milk, butter , cheeses , chickens, turkeys and fresh eggs, and yes we ate our goat meat on a regualr basis..That is one delicious cut of meat! I thought we were farm poor but soon realized if we were hungry I always had something outback! Let unemployment rise, self sufficiency is the key to survival. We don't need to depend on the gov't or outside sources for anything and we shouldn't have to. It should at least be minimal..We've gotten ourselves into a pickle for sure..We made ourselves this way..


Robin:  Recently I checked out the Animal Care Sanctuary website and either there are two RJs or your business donated several of your products for their grand opening. You perform a service for non-crafty people by delivering professional versions of products that we could cobble together ourselves. But, by the time we had gathered up everything needed, we'd likely end up spending more than having you  do it.  Sometimes, being self-sufficient just doesn't pay. 

You are right, smiling here.  I have a business that is very "wanted" in this county..Notice I didn't say needed LOL..  Christmas has been good to our business. Baskets Bundles and Bags is looking forward to a huge Valentines success! If you want to know more, you know where to get in touch with me! LOL

Anne, I was thinking more along the line of daily neeeds. :0)

I remember the first time I prepared a meal entirely from things I had raised: veggies,;potatoes; roast chicken, fruit; milk, butter, cheese from our cows..all organically grown and delicious. It was like the culmination of everything I'd worked for since we moved here from the city. Now I have beef cows, so I have grass-fed beef that I could never afford to buy.  I don't milk cows or raise meat birds any more, but I know I can do it, and that's a good feeling.


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