Over a month ago, a Long Consultant rep came around wanting me to sign for permission for Shell to do a 3-D seismic survey. I told them I wasn't leased, and they said someone would be around soon to talk to me. Well, no one came around.


Finally I contacted Andrea Garrity at Shell. Thanks to whoever gave me her e-mail!! She seems to have lit fires under several people. I got a phone call from Long Consulting this morning, apologizing for not talking to me. The guy from Long said that he understands that I'm "currently negotiating a lease" with Shell.  Hmmm...I haven't heard from anyone yet (Andrea told me that the guy I'm supposedly negotiating with was out of the office last week). The Long guy is going to email back to Andrea that no one has contacted me yet. At least I'm on their radar now. I hope that the drilling end is more organized than the leasing end; so far I'm not impressed with Shell or Long Consulting.

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What Township are you in.  A similiar incident occurred on the border of Middlebury and Farmington Townships.


Another occurred in a nearby area.

I'm in Delmar Township. Do you know how those were resolved? Both Long and Shell seem to have dropped the ball...Long was SO anxious for me to sign permission for the survey (I didn't and won't until I'm leased), but now no one seems interested in me.
 Long agent told me they were told to focus on the Shell leased people for now,but they keep buggin my buddy in middlebury who is signed with some one else.

Anyone who is leased: when did you all do the 'negotiating' part? Someone from Long called and is bringing the lease over tomorrow...when do I get to bring up what I want? He wouldn't even discuss the terms of the lease over the phone.

 Is it the seismic,or gas lease? or both?

It's for a gas lease.  They haven't offered me anything just to do the seismic.
It sounds like a good opportunity to take the next step closer to a unit.One thing we don't mentiond much is how safe Shell is with there work I read they are the least fined co. for violations and east resources was number one in the state for violations.Shells workers are always in a safety class,they run a tight ship.I would be signing that lease tomorrow.

It depends on what they are offering. They may be a safety-conscious company, but they are also cheap. I won't be signing until I get a few addenda. I have a nice set put together that I think they have accepted in the past. Plus I want their 'non-surface' deal; I doubt that will be the lease he brings, and I didn't get to discuss anything on the phone.

Plus, if they are anything like East, they will still have my ex and I listed as "husband and wife" on the lease, even though we've been divorced for 5+ years now, so the lease will have to be redone anyway before it can be signed. We'll see.

Borrowing an old saying, "Sign in haste, repent at your leisure."

In my experience, landmen just will not provide a copy of the lease without a face-to-face to make their sales pitch.  If I've been contacted by phone first, I've asked to be mailed (or, now, emailed) a copy of the lease first so I can read it over before the meeting.  Only one landman agreed to, but didn't and I never heard from him again.


You get to bring up what you want at the first meeting ... whether he asks or not.  But, imo, there can't be serious negotiations until you have read the lease (and any addenda you are offered),   One definite improvement in the process compared to the olden days (T/BR era) is email.  It didn't get me a lease I would sign, but email at least expedited the process.


So, I wish you luck tomorrow!!   



Thanks Ann! Yeah, he grumbled about having to drive all the way over from Clarks Summit, so I told him he could mail it and I was fine with that, but he insisted on coming over. I've heard the sales pitch before, but I do have a couple questions that he probably can't answer about Shell's plans for the little strip of land (where half my property would be) between two units.

I've read that people ARE getting better deals (from Shell) than the one Shell offers. They sign non-disclosures (from what I've heard) so the rest of us will never hear what the deal was. How should I bring this up with the landman? I KNOW that Shell must want my land (I'm in the way of a bore hole), but how far can I push it? I'm not asking for much...a couple extra % royalty, maybe. Or, failing that, a slightly higher bonus (like $2300-2500/acre). With East the 'negotiation' was: "Could I get...?" "No". "How about....?" "No". Basically 'take it or leave it'. I hope Shell is more flexible.

Has anyone else heard of these better offers (with non-disclosures)?


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