Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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No, the wet gas line seems to be located in central McKean County - you only need to go about 10 miles there and the btus climb from 1050 to 1250. The wet gas line runs from NE McKean County towards SW McKean County cutting across the county diagonally, and I haven't heard of any wet gas east of there. As with the Utica, there could be some higher btu gas in New York, but mainly in areas where there's not enough depth to make drilling economic. I think our area really is a dry gas play top to bottom.

Thank You,do you know what depth the high BTU is in McKean.

It's around 5,000 feet deep there. Seneca published a map showing their estimate of the wet gas line last year - they have more data on it than anyone else in that area.

Except ... NY is not PA when it comes to politics and the environment.  Governor Pataki, a Republican, was praised for his environmental protection record.  Certainly, NY's overall economic situation is nothing to brag about either.  But NY seems to be taking a more balanced economic development approach (than PA).  The hot NY product is Greek yogurt.   NY is offering incentives to dairy farmers to increase their production.  And, NY just inititated a new opportunity zone program.

Imo, NY will allow some shale gas production.   But it won't be an easy sell in areas like the Finger Lakes, where tourism (and the local sales tax share) are important. 

That Utica well wasn't very good, unfortunately - we have acreage right next door and a couple weeks after it went into production Seneca said they weren't interested.  Production dropped off rapidly, I believe, but we'll know more once production figures for the second half of 2013 get released.

 I think the fracturing is what N.Y. draws the line on.

personally, I think sanity is the line that new York state refuses to cross.

no offense jack. (even though Ithaca is pretty nutty)


It may be that the NY moratorium is specific to water-based fracking.  GasFrac Energy claimed that their propane-based fracking process isn't covered, but their proposal never got off the ground. 

The industry folks I talked to said that was because it didn't work. When industry turned them down, they started lobbying the government to require operators to use them, That's always a bad sign.

 Jack what do you make of the spur lines that are being permitted on E-facts?


   The Empowered Municipality ran an article today. Energy Companies

   Win Bids to Drill for Natural Gas in Pa.  Seneca Resources was the

   big winner for Potter. Track 1 Ulysses & Sweden 7,441 acres@ 3,125

   acre Susquehannock State Forest.  Tract 7 Tioga State Forest

   Delmar, Chatham, Middlebury, Shippen Twp. 10,493 acres @ 4,625




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