Well as of Thursday 6/30/2011 I became a Chesapeake Leasee! I was a part of the F&M Ohio Valley Landowners group, we actually started forming last fall and gradually worked our way through the process. I attended close to a dozen meeting and seminars on the marcellus and utica shales and all about what was involved in the leasing process. I also must thank several people on this site who helped with questions and explaining things to me. So now it's over I can set back breath a sigh of relieve.........and wait for my check!

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What were the terms?

Brent...that is good news.......now just 90 days ( I assume) to wait.


You have any feel for how many acres from Tusc. were in that group?

Also,  did they give any indication on when drilling in Tusc. would start?




Congrats, it's a good feling when you get it done and know you have done your home work!
basic terms, $2700/acre, 17.5% gross royalty, unit size 1280 acres, most other terms very acceptable. One thing it doesn't have is the free gas clause or equivalent. No definite time frame on drilling, indication was that after the first of the year it will be fast and furious!
Thanks for sharing your lease terms.  It is helpful to know this information.
Do not get too excited. The lease check will come fairly quickly-both mine within a month. The number of years in your lease will dictate when they drill. If you have a 5 year lease(mine are three)-they have tons of leases that expire before yours and they will drill those first. We are awash currently with natural gas and companies have slowed down on drilling and leasing for that matter for many reasons, price, availablity of rigs etc etc. The  good thing is you signed a lease, the bad thing is there are many many other properties to drill. Your best hope would be a property in your unit that had a previous lease expiring soon.
Brent,   that sounds great....only one company had come to see my wife and I and we weren't sure if we had the rights on part of our land....so we signed for $1500 and 15%.   It must have been a decent deal for them cuz they sent a check within a month on 20 acres of the 45 that we signed.  We did get a low offer in the mail from Appalachian  and I bet you all got that offer as well.
Congrats. I hope your group was able to get some better provisions in their lease as the initial CHK lease is unfathomably bad for landowners.  In 90 days go buy yourself something nice on their dime.
Yep, our final addendum wasn't even close to what the original and first revision looked like.....amazing what a little competition can do!

So, are you saying you signed the lease and then CHK has already done their reserach on your property and "approved" your land to be included as part of a drilling unit?  Or are you still waiting for them to sign off?  I supect the latter...


It would be good to see a map of where all the property is that is part of the group to make sure your (or mine, since I also signed a lease) land can be lumped in with enough others to be part of a drilling unit.  I guess if you have enough land to make a drilling unit by yourself (I do not) then you are in good shape.

I've signed the lease agreement. CHK has 90 days to complete the necessary title verification work. CHK has accepted the offer for all the land, the only way they can reject your ground at this point is if you have an existing lease blocking your ground.
It is my understanding that if your land cannot be pooled with other land to form a drilling unit, then it can (and will) be rejected.  It would be nice to have this confirmed or denied by an attorney who is an expert in thid area.


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