did any of you see these videos from the forum section??





If you did how are our small towns going to deal with it?

And why is the governor touting this? As this State will be seeing very little profit 


I really hope these video's are BS, but something tells me they aren't. . . . is this what you all want??

Views: 123

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The photoshopped pictures are priceless...


Producers in Ohio pay taxes on everything they produce. Jobs are already being created here in Tuscarawas county. There is an excavating company that set up shop on Mathias Raceway that has been hiring lots of local people.


Also where does this guy get this bright idea that producers aren't reading meters? To get paid you have to have  your meter numbers turned in to the gas purchaser. And in turn they pay you and of course those numbers are reported in 1099's etc. Otherwise they are just giving the gas away.


There are regional offices that are setup in these larger fields. Look at all the buildings and offices that have been built near Pittsburgh for the Marcellus. But I'm sure no one moved there though for the "privilage to pay Pennsylvania Income tax."


Don't worry Jim, these videos are BS


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