Just was curious to hear of any activity going on in Venango county.  Anything from talks of leasing, to actually signing on the line of a lease. 

What have the offers been for potential leases?  Any good addendums you were able to negotiate?

Has anyone heard how the completion went for the Seneca Resources well?

Hopefully 2012 will hold a lot more activity for this industry founding area.

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Sign that showed up recently on Bell Road Richland Twp. Venango County  Brosius Pad


Brosius lease road and well pad are all staked out with orange ribbons. Have not heard when excavation will begin to start constructing the road and pad.

First piece of equipment moved in on the Brosius site for Chevron. I believe this machine is used to drill some kind of core holes. Possibly where the lease road will cross the fields to see what is under ground. The are suppose to continue to move equipment in to begin the road and well pad construction.


Thanks for the info on this pad.  We have been trying to learn more about what was going on since we own property on shot gun club rd.  I'm not sure but I would guess that machine is what they use to boar under roads and creeks to run pipeline under them without having to damage them.  

It has been a long time since there has been any activity on theVenango County site.  Does anyone have any updates or information as to what is going on in our area?

Venango County is deader than a dead cat. Perhaps the geology is a little more favorable in Crawford County especially the western portion. Lots of  the Crawford County site. Believe one or more attorney groups have decided to combine their Crawford County and Venango County acreages and market them jointly. If Crawford geology is a little better, then the combined acreage strategy would likely be beneficial to Venango County landowners. I do think these O&G companies are interested in offering on large aggregates of acreage, even when the combined acreage is not all contiguous. Have no firm info but these are my thoughts without much supporting evidence. Hope the post stimulates some input from others because I have seen little recently in re Venango County.

Many of us signed with Shell, but when the bank drafts came due, they were not honored.  I know of some who got paid while others, including myself, have gotten the run-around. Lately they are not even returning phone calls.

Range has permits for a vertical well and a horizontal well along Baker Rd. and west of Sunville Rd. in Oakland Twp.  I will report back if I see any activity there.

We are holding a meeting on Tues the 28th at the Franklin Quality Inn at 6:30 Pm.  This will be a joint meeting with M & P Law and Cx-Energy. The group is continuing to grow including people that were cancelled by Shell. Bring your neighbors along and ask all the questions you want.

Hi Jim

I'll be in Buffalo Tuesday but if I can escape in time I'll attend.

George; If you don't make it, let me know and we can get together somewhere...maybe at King's 


Did shell cancel all of the leases in Venango County that they were offering last year?  Does anyone know why they left Venango County?


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