
Ashland County, OH

This group is for all things related to oil and gas development and leasing in Ashland County,

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Latest Activity: Jan 2, 2019


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Update on testing

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by dan gladyszewski Jun 24, 2017. 3 Replies

Help Pass Bill HB 1684

Started by Darlene Newton Mar 23, 2014. 0 Replies

Seismic Testing in northern Ashland

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Dec 19, 2013. 59 Replies

Shake and Bake

Started by mbc. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Mar 28, 2013. 1 Reply

Eichelberger Well - Devon Energy Updates

Started by Finnbear. Last reply by 1lkdxzfo5mdgk Jan 18, 2013. 168 Replies

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Comment by Carl Finley on January 17, 2013 at 5:26am
If people want to lease for the low numbers they offer more power to them. As for the WRP lease me and my neighbors signed it was terrible for the land owner thank god for this site and the knowledge people will get so those types of leases never get signed again.
Comment by Carl Finley on January 17, 2013 at 5:14am
Gottcha thanks for your honest opinion. As for MFC leasing in eastern Ashland County how the heck did you know that? You are obviously well versed in this business statewide wow! Just for reference our property sets in the southeast most corner of the original WRP leases. Directly to my east MFC leased were WRP wouldnt.
Comment by Carl Finley on January 17, 2013 at 4:34am
Is there really oil in Ashland County like the ODNR maps suggest?
Comment by Carl Finley on January 17, 2013 at 4:21am
Mr. Grayson do you think someone would actually buy the expiring leases in Ashland county?
Comment by Carl Finley on January 16, 2013 at 9:22am
I'm not an idiot but some are. LOL! As for the fracking water I'm refering to the Chinese when they start fracking with our technology. I love Ohio to my wife thinks I'm nuts but I prefer 4 seasons.
Comment by Carl Finley on January 16, 2013 at 8:40am
Mr. Grayson you seem knowledgable in regards to the oil industry why dont you tell the Chinese some lies get them to invest and then plug the holes and keep the rest of there money? You could be filthy rich and retire to an exotic island and never talk to us idiots again! Yes it does please me the Chinese got took for a huge chunk of change! They get us for every TV and hat purchased! Also I hope people on here realize when they get fracking waste it aint going down no 10,000 foot hole its going straight into a river or stream!
Comment by Carl Finley on January 16, 2013 at 8:26am
These oil companies do more ducking and weaving then Ali! If I told the world I found the heart of the oil in Ohio and took investors money then plugged the hole I would be in prison now. These guys just get richer and us pawns stay wondering about scraps!
Comment by Carl Finley on January 16, 2013 at 7:19am
Yep. The Devon debate is about done. I think they will be leaving Ohio just as quickly as they arrived. Word on the street up north is Devon is going to sell our leases! Most leases in my area expire summer of this year. What sense does that make? And who would buy them?
Comment by Carl Finley on January 16, 2013 at 6:04am
Well the plug at the Eichelberger well was bubbling they had to put a new cap on it and they installed a pressure gauge. Didnt think water created its own pressure?
Comment by jonathan M. on December 28, 2012 at 5:21am
Haha! Ill keep my eyes peeled!

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