
Ashland County, OH

This group is for all things related to oil and gas development and leasing in Ashland County,

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Update on testing

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by dan gladyszewski Jun 24, 2017. 3 Replies

Help Pass Bill HB 1684

Started by Darlene Newton Mar 23, 2014. 0 Replies

Seismic Testing in northern Ashland

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Dec 19, 2013. 59 Replies

Shake and Bake

Started by mbc. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Mar 28, 2013. 1 Reply

Eichelberger Well - Devon Energy Updates

Started by Finnbear. Last reply by 1lkdxzfo5mdgk Jan 18, 2013. 168 Replies

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Comment by Carl Finley on February 21, 2013 at 5:29am
Genius shear genius. Yes captain obvious that was an emotional post! That is a human emotion correct? I am human! Are you a robot and have been fooling theses people since day one? Someone is doing seismec testing this year in Ashland County that is a fact! Is that better oh wise one?
Comment by Carl Finley on February 21, 2013 at 5:05am
Are you kidding me when we signed these leases know one new any of this! They were talking about drilling something in New York and PA thats all we knew. As for who to blame I signed it no one else I have never stated differently! Or maybe my pissing and moaning could be construed in your mind as some sort of wild proclamation that somehow in the back of my mind I'm blaming the CEO of Devon's sisters mother in law! As for the personal attack of being a self made man I'm comfortable with my wealth and how much money I make. Not a fan of Obama or any politician right now they take way to much and do to little. Hope this gets your juices flowing for more personal attacks I like them I'm a little bit crazy myself so if you want keep attacking it makes me smile.
Comment by Carl Finley on February 21, 2013 at 4:03am
JODI thats exactly my fear from the lease I signed! They can run any size pipe thru my property and I cant stop them.
Comment by Carl Finley on February 21, 2013 at 3:57am
Marcus are you bored and trolling for someone to slap down with your wisdom?
Comment by dan gladyszewski on February 19, 2013 at 3:10pm

Marcus, I think that's what we (landowners) have been saying all along, that they really don't care about us. We are just names on a spreadsheet to them. In my own opinion, that is where all  the animosity and mistrust towards them comes from. Thankfully, my land, and a majority of my neighbor's lands are free and clear of leases. Many people entered these leases trusting the landmen, and  rightfully so, since in the past these companies could be trusted with what they offered. This is a hard lesson for anyone to learn and with the wealth of information on GMS, I hope many other landowners are more informed before they sign on the dotted line.

What I don't understand is, why would Sinopec allow DVN to keep on spending their investment on poor results? Contract or not, I would think that there would be some clause that mentions some sort of cease of operations in this area. It's costly to both sides. Frustrated or not, I think you have been too hard on Carl, he worked hard for his land and got suckered into a raw deal. You'll never convince me that DVN was not aware of these simply trusting people when they sent their landmen out there. I've personally seen this kind of anger many times before.

Comment by Carl Finley on February 19, 2013 at 10:19am
There are 2 people that will get rich off of whatever the shale boom is lawyers and politicians. I'm not fond of either! I've spent more money than I should have to trying to get out of a lease Devon want's to enforce for god know's whatever reason. I signed a lease over 4 years ago that now has me at the mercy of Devon and whoever buy's or doesnt buy the lease plan and simple I couldnt be happier for my lease to die! What I signed pretty much gave them free access to do whatever they wanted on my land! So emotionally tied yes I am. Waiting to get rich no I have everything I need accept my land being secure! Explain to me one simple thing why doesnt Devon just let our leases go away? All they need to do is quit paying but they wont! Science is what it is but just for once think outside the box do you think companies throw curveballs to keep people from setting dead red on the fastball?
Comment by Carl Finley on February 19, 2013 at 9:42am
Your kidding me right? My basis was I didnt care what Devon found in the hole still dont! Devons actions above ground seem to prove something else! Rumors I set in a meeting with landowners from Richland County who Devon was trying to lease after the hole was covered that aint rumor thats fact. I'm not offended you have an opinion and its dead wrong! I'm not emotionally tied to this I'm not in that drilling unit and I will survive without the 10 pittance they pay I just want them to go away and from what you say they will and no one else will come thats fine by me! They dont make money on these Utica wells anyways they will all be leaving soon according to you!
Comment by Carl Finley on February 19, 2013 at 8:54am
I did not say I didnt believe in science!
Comment by Carl Finley on February 19, 2013 at 8:45am
Marcus re-read what I said please quote me correctly when using my name on other blogs!
Comment by Carl Finley on February 18, 2013 at 8:16am
I dont care if the well is dry or not. I also dont care about science. What I do care about is facts and the fact is they are forcing landowners into another 5 years and they don't want to be leased that is a fact! It just so happens another fact is Devon forced a guy into another 5 year lease 2 miles due west of the Eichelberger hole. So you have science and some facts. But we have some facts to.

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