
Geauga County, OH

This group is for all things related to oil and gas development and leasing in Geauga County, Ohio. Please tell your friends and neighbors who own land or mineral rights in Geauga County to join and share information here.

Members: 55
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2014

Discussion Forum

Ohio Shale Play Employment Data

Started by Michael Dolezal CPA Jan 2, 2014. 0 Replies

Great News for Ohio!Ohio Utica JobsContinue

Morrison Well Update

Started by Mark Dolezal Oct 2, 2013. 0 Replies

The Morrison Well on Rt 88 in Mecca Twp is located approximately 10 miles east of the Geauga Co. line.Tonight the trucks were lined up delivering the frack sand.  This well should be placed in production in about 60 days.  Stay tuned.Continue

ODNR Releases 2012 Production reports on May 16th

Started by Mark Dolezal May 20, 2013. 0 Replies

The ODNR director states "The best is yet to come" They project to issue 1000 drilling permits a  year by 2015.Continue

Geauga County Landowners

Started by Mark Dolezal. Last reply by David Perotto Apr 21, 2013. 1 Reply

There is alot of activity happening all around us. Wells being drilled in surrounding counties, pipelines being mapped, Your gas and oil is valuable ! keep the faith your time is coming.MarkEGLContinue

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Comment by Finnbear on March 1, 2012 at 5:02pm

The answer to your last statement is pretty obvious - look at who Occupies the White House

Comment by Kevin Rishaw on February 29, 2012 at 7:30am

I didn't see a problem with Adam’s response. I really don’t care about what "light" the information is in so long as its accurate. I know people don't like to hear negativity, but if Adam is capable of swaying people to make bad a decision on a oil lease then the American people are truly incapable of making a decision such as electing a president ;).

Comment by Adam Thomas on February 24, 2012 at 4:19pm
I answered the question that was asked by Kevin accurately. I said nothing more so the people on here couldn't "spin" what I said. Lol Guess I was wrong. Just goes to show people will see what they want.
Comment by Finnbear on February 24, 2012 at 3:53pm


Remember who Adam works for

Comment by Craig Stull on February 23, 2012 at 12:45pm


Comment by HB on February 23, 2012 at 7:35am


Comment by Michael Vary on February 23, 2012 at 3:58am
Adam, They didn't just "leave". The drilling company needs to bring in another rig to do the Horizontal portion of the well. You make it sound like the driller just "left" making it sound like there wasn't anything desirable there. In fact, I have heard from a very credible source that the same drilling company is now scouting another area in Parkman very close to that first well to drill their next because of what they found.
Don't get me wrong here, I don't want to become the type of person who speculates as to whether or not our area has alot of oil and gas underneath it and try to mislead people into thinking we have the "motherload" under our feet. However, I do want people to have an idea of what is really going on in Parkman so they don't make a poor decision by signing earlier than they should.
Now, I could be wrong, however, It sounds to me like you have an alterior motive. I've seen your postings in all the other groups on this website where you try to convince people that they should get money sooner rather than later and to "settle" for the best offer they can get. I think this is poor advice and I would appreciate it if you did not bring that type of advice or commentary into the Geauga group.
The people in this group are neighbors and friends who are all seeking the best advice they can get. Unless you are a fellow Geauga landowner, we would appreciate you staying out of it. If anyone else agrees with my post, Please say "aye".
Comment by Adam Thomas on February 23, 2012 at 1:27am
They only drilled a vertical and left.
Comment by Kevin Rishaw on February 22, 2012 at 7:19pm

 Call me OCD but I drove by the Parkman well a lot on my way to work (slight detour) as I live a few miles East in trumbull the outcome of this well intrigues me greatly. Can anyone confirm they drilled a lateral? I only ever saw 1 rig there so I am assuming they just drilled a test vertical.

Comment by James Kerns on February 21, 2012 at 4:42pm

Thanks for the update, BTW you folks in Geauga Co. are kinda quiet on here, are you talking to neighbors and telling them this site is a good resource to learn about the shale issues? Even those of you HBP should get educated on the topics and review your old leases to learn how much royalty you will be entitled to if you are drilled under.


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