Muskingum/Licking County OH


Muskingum/Licking County OH

With activity moving into Muskingum County and Licking County  it is time for we the effected by the Utica Shale Play to be better informed. As I live on the Muskingum/Licking county border is the reason for the combination. The group will be free to separate if someone in Licking County wants to run a separate county.  

Members: 58
Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2014

Discussion Forum


Started by James Vanderink. Last reply by James Vanderink Dec 8, 2014. 1 Reply

Some news out that way.Continue

Latest Utica Structure Map: HK 9/5/12 Presentation at Barclays Conference ...

Started by Utica Shale. Last reply by Utica Shale Nov 2, 2012. 5 Replies

This LINK references a map that is disasterous for ... Western half…Continue

O & G operations in photos

Started by Billy Park Whyde. Last reply by James Nov 1, 2012. 12 Replies

 Here you can post photos of what you might come across in the area. I'd kind of like to keep it limited to our area to prevent a overkill of photos. Jodi a member here is kind of a roving reporter,…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 16, 2012 at 4:48am

Hydraulic fracturing meeting planned

HANOVER -- A community meeting about hydraulic fracturing is set for 6 p.m. Feb. 16 in the Licking Valley High School auditorium.

 I posted this as a public notice only. Any meeting I post are for information purposes only. It is not be be construed as a endorsement or promotion of any group. 

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 15, 2012 at 3:44am

Hi ya Ron, good question.  I started the Scuttlebutt Thread for that purpose. I'll put what I know there for ya and others. 

Comment by Ron Ward on February 15, 2012 at 3:28am
What is the latest on areas of interest in Muskingum co? Heard they are focusing more on washington and meigs counties over the next 8 wks?
Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 6, 2012 at 9:06am

Hi Ron I would think the Guernsey County Group might be a better choice for you however a lot of info is transmitted through the main site of Go Marcellus that falls into all of interest here.

Comment by Ron Ward on February 6, 2012 at 8:40am
My property is in muskingham co but borders gurensey off sr209 would this group be the best place for me to help and keep informed?
Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 3, 2012 at 4:46pm

Tonight I drove around the loop and talked to some of my neighbors about what is going on. Of course they knew very little, some had no idea as to if they had the mineral rights to their property. After a brief chat they are now aware that it would be worth their time to find out, fine tooth the lease and see exactly what it says. I also gave them the website addy of Go Marcellus Shale along with this group. 

  Pass the word so we can be on that fair level playing field.

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on January 31, 2012 at 8:28am

Hello ya all

  Here it is the place to get the latest news on what is happening in our area. The  Go Marcellus Shale website is the main site ( Home Page) where you will find a multitude of questions posed by land owners such as your self and answers by landowners that have been there and might have the answers. Some individuals are professionals in the oil and gas industry and some are just down right anti frackers. But the info you can find there is fantastic!

  This group or section if you want to call it that is for information that concerns us. Some of what you may see may be rumorm some might be fact but one thing for sure what you will hear is information you may not have known. I hope you all take the time to visit and by all means participate. The only dumb question is the one that was never asked?


Members (58)


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