Help tracking down activity on owned land

I'm Kelly, and live in Seattle. My mother was born and raised in Butler, PA, and her family line goes back on the East Coast more than 200 years. One of those family members, sometime in the 1800's, purchased land in Greene County, aware that someday the natural gas would be accessible. Now it is. My mother received a phone call from an attorney in 2007, he asked her tons of lineage questions, trying to identify who the last living relatives are for that Greene Cty site. She hasn't heard back since.
Is there a central forum or group which assists in figuring out what land is owned, what access is on the land, whether there are ownership or drilling rights already assigned, how to work with a company for lease, percentage amounts, etc. I would appreciate your help. My mom's recently had a stroke and had to walk away from a 60 yr musical career. Would LOVE to figure out if this is a possible income stream for her, allow her some creative options.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Comment by Oil and Gas nightmare on August 21, 2011 at 1:43am
I can help you...what is the name the land was in for your family, like maiden names and married names and if you know the township that could help.. I had to research my family all the way back to when they arrived on a boat so, I have many man hours under my belt figuring that I have parcel maps and glad to help you.. i had to go through the same thing!!!
Comment by Kelly S. Reed on November 7, 2010 at 8:50pm
Thanks! Will check out the link you suggested. Indeed, have counseled my mother to work with me prior to signing anything. She is such a lovely, but gullible, lady and I realize where there is money to be made there are opportunities for corruption too. None of those names ring a bell, but will ask my mom. The lawyer who contacted her knew her lineage back several generations, had done his homework.
Comment by S Isiminger on November 7, 2010 at 8:59am
Hi Kelly,
Like you, we are out of state and our great, great grandfather had purchased acreage in Greene County knowing that some day it would be of value. My family has been contacted by a local attorney there and I am very leary at the moment in proceeding with this attorney. Take care in whatever you do, take care in signing off on anything, especially if the attorney is wanting to represent you all for a percentage of the royalties.
I am still ferreting a lot of this out. I've found Penn State to be extremely beneficial as a starting point. Look to the section under "Legal", there are some really easy to understand presentations for lay people. Here's the link:
BTW - we are related to Lemley, Beresfords, Belch, Isiminger Just in case we're cousins, I've already found a cousin on this site! Good luck to you! :)

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