The High Price of Energy Political Correctness in New York

No state, other than California, is more politically correct than New York, where PC is gospel and energy political correctness reaches the lunatic fringe.

The winds of political correctness always stir first in either California or New York, the two lunatic fringe states of the union. New York also has an additional element of corruption on the order of Illinois, making it the king of the hill when it comes to wacky environmentalism. Energy political correctness is the underlying philosophy of so much of what happens in the Emperor State because it offers opportunity for both demagoguery and graft. Fracking was killed “at this time” for the sake of appeasing the trust-funder gods from the NRDC gang and solar hedge fund investors. Pipelines have been stymied even as gas consumption grows with a view to forcing acceptance of a Clean Energy Program designed to produce 80% less greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It’s energy political correctness or bust and, therefore, bust it will be.

Regular reader and occasional guest blogger from the Granite State, Patrick Leary, set me a link last night to the Manhattan Institute’s new report on the high price of energy political correctness in New York. It’s entitled “New York’s Clean Energy Programs: The High Cost of Symbolic Environ...” and is stuffed with hard data critiquing New York’s insane Clean Energy Standard (CES), which is intended to reduce the state’s GHG emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 (the “80 by 50” mandate).

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