The Virginia Organizing Hustle: Another Fractivist Tool at Work

Virginia Organizing is another phony political outfit masquerading as a charity with no regard for the law while making itself a fractivist tool for others.

Kevin Mooney, over at The Daily Signal, has a new piece up about an outfit I’ve known about for a while called .... It first came to my attention a few years ago when I was exploring who was donating money to the NRDC. Virginia Organizing came up repeatedly not as a donor, but as a recipient, of fractivist money from the same people funding NRDC. They included the Schmidt Family/Google Foundations, the Park Foundation, Tides Foundation, the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Marsla Foundation and the Wallace Genetic Foundation, all of which have been previously exposed on these pages as major fractivist enablers.

Kevin, though, has uncovered an additional link of significance; the dark money Sea Change Foundation which appears to have funneled Russian money into fractivist coffers via the helpful hands of the solar invested Simons family. His article is well worth reading as it details the insights of a CIA veteran as to how Russian interests manipulate groups such as Virginia Organizing into doing their bidding through a merging of ideological and mercenary objectives on the giving and receiving ends. What’s also interesting to me, though, is how Virginia Organizing has done its dirty work and how it’s gotten away with ignoring the law.

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