Virginian Gas Users Save $11 Billion Thanks to Fracking

A study by the Consumer Energy Alliance shows Virginian gas users saved some $11 billion over the last decade due to fracking and the shale revolution.

Residents of Virginia have benefited in a major way from an abundance of cheap, clean-burning shale gas. How much benefit? Try $11 billion of money went directly into the pockets of Virginia residents and businesses over the past 10 years thanks to low-priced natural gas–fracked gas, coming from the Marcellus/Utica.

Industry group Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) has just published a new report that shares the good news. You may recall not long ago CEA published a similar study for Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Now it’s Virginia’s turn. Even though Virginia doesn’t extract shale gas, they still enjoy its benefits!

Thanks to increased production and safer, state-of-the-art technologies – which together have decreased the price of natural gas — Virginians saved almost $11 billion between 2006 and 2016, according to a state report released by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), with calculations developed by Orion Strategies.

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