I was driving with a friend on route 221 through Greene County on Sunday to go bicycling on the Greene River trail near Rices Landing, and we found ourselves behind a brine water / residual waste truck -- presumably full of frack waste -- between Dunn Station and Ruff Creek.

Three problems:

1. The truck had no license plate!  The side of the truck said Curry Supply.

2. The truck often took up most of the road, creating a hazard for oncoming traffic.

3. There was severe road damage on route 221, perhaps from these wide, heavy frack trucks.  When I biked this road about two years ago, the edges of this road were not crumbling like this.  Damaged roads can cause a) crashes for bicyclists or motorcyclists, b) damage to car tires and suspensions, and c) additional safety problems as cars & trucks swerve to avoid holes in the road.

See photos:


I'd like to visit Greene County again to go bicycling on its (formerly) nice roads but these safety issues make me think twice.  The gas industry should pay for their share of this road damage, since this appears to be so far beyond normal road wear.




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As residents of Greene County and nearby counties we should decide: which kind of future do we prefer: one where we allow the gas industry to exploit our land for short-term profit, leaving us with scarred and polluted land, water, and roads that scare people away (a coal-style 100-year deja vu) or do we instead want to promote cleaner industries, preserve the quiet, the nature, and what clean water we have, so as to encourage tourism and retain young people long-term?
Sorry Paul but I don't want the drilling stopped. I just want them in and out as quickly as they can safely get their job done. Tourism has been tried and found vastly lacking in jobs and long term growth. Do I like the trucks, noise etc while they are drilling and placing new pipe lines NO. But this could well mean that my grandchildren will be able to stay in WPA and prosper.


It's obvious that you are woefully ignorant of the natural gas drilling process.  The gas industry is not exploiting anyone or anything and is not polluting the land or water.  Temporary cracked berms on tar/chip country roads is NOT going to discourage tourism and it CERTAINLY will not scare away young people.  Quite the contrary.  The Marcellus industry created 44,000 new jobs here in PA last year.  Good paying, long lasting jobs, in the middle of a horrible recession nonetheless.  Once the drilling is done, the companies are paying to install REAL roads that will actually hold up, leaving the area much better than it was before. 


Reality is far from the either/or situation you describe above.  I suggest you inform yourself, if you have an actual interest in the truth. 

Paul...how much economic stimulus does your bike riding create in Greene County?  Now while it does bring a chuckle seeing a grown man in a unitard riding a bicycle, your complaint of road damage, within a county you do not live, causing your bicycle to squeak i can almost guarantee is not a concern of anyone within this forum. 

Who would have thought a country road could experience some wear and tear within the last 3 years, since you last biked in 2008 at this location.  Ever heard of winter, or people driving to and from work in vehicles larger than your smart car.  These roads are in place to accommodate the local farmers, and local industry, not for you to escape the stench of Pittsburgh for an afternoon.

Chesapeake has spent more than $144 million improving and repairing rods.  http://naturalgaspa.com/profiles/blogs/chesapeake-announces-road Usually leaving them much better than before.  Many times, companies have even rebuilt the roads BEFORE they drill.  They do this becuase they know they will have to any way and by doing it first protects their equipment from damage, makes the process easier, and keeps everyone happy.

Oh heavens, some of our township roads out in the country aren't up to par in the estimation of bicyclists from the city?  I don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight knowing that. 


The companies that are damaging the crappy tar and chip roads in the townships are spending hundreds of millions to rebuild them PROPER.   Many companies are starting to rebuild the roads BEFORE they start operations.   As for the water truck, SO WHAT IF IT DOESN'T HAVE A LICENSE PLATE?  Do you think the operator is trying to get around incognito with his water truck painted CANARY YELLOW with the company name plastered all over it?  It looks brand new, maybe it had paper temp tags or something that fell off.   Maybe some a-hole anti-gas drilling nutbag stole them off of it. 





According to Mr. Heckbert, the trucker must have paid the same as he did to use the roads of Greene County for biking--Nothing, but he still wants to blame the gas industry. Wonder what type of range in his kitchen? Gas or electric -- either one will use gas which he apparently does not like.
Our roads are in terrible shape in Lackawanna County, We need some drillers because the state and county have no money (or interest) to fix them.

If you all just knew how many of these idiot green loving people the industry has to hear from all the time. Sometimes it is funny like this guy.

Don't want to stray too much off point here but I think people ought to be aware of the REAL history behind much of our infrastructure.  The construction of a system of paved public roads in non-urban areas of the US originated because of BICYCLISTS, not motorists.    The early auto industry would never have been so successful if not for the roadways that were built because of the efforts and political influence of the hundreds of thousands of bicyclists that preceded them.  Read this article before you continue trashing cyclists as not having a "right" to use the roads:  http://en.wikipedia/wiki/Good_Roads_Movement

A glitch in that link -- here's the history of US paved roads:



Bycyclists earned the right to use the roads they brought about, sharing them with horse-drawn vehicles.  The auto is the latecomer in the transportation system -- it may have exclusive use of the interstate highways and limited access expressways but it has always been a principle of common law that bicycles have equal standing in use of any non-restricted public roads (and must abide by the same rules of the road). 

When you put your money where your mouth is and ride your bicycle exclusively in lieu of driving an automobile I might consider this. We are not a third world country. The transportation infrastructure of the USA only exists in its current form because of the automobile. Bicycles may be allowed use of the secondary roads in this country today, but they are NOT the reason those roads exist in their current form. Automobiles and the taxes associated with their operation is what pays for roads, NOT bicycles.


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