Prayers for Worker who fell from Greene County drilling rig Thursday

Worker falls from Greene County drilling rig Thursday, July 07, 2011 By Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A man plummeted 43 feet from a gas rig in Greene County late Wednesday, emergency management officials said.
The man, whose name and age were not immediately available, was flown to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. He was unresponsive when he was flown by helicopter after the fall, which happened about 11:30 p.m., said Gregory Leathers, acting director of Greene County's emergency management agency.
Mr. Leathers wasn't sure who owns the gas drilling rig, but said it is located in Morgan Township, near Happy Valley and Browns Road.
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Prayers for him and his family.

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I heard on a radio news report this morning that the worker was treated and released and is expected to make a full recovery!  Amazing one could fall that far and be fine.


These guys do hard, dirty, difficult work. They deserve every penny they make.  More importantly, they deserve our respect and gratitude.

They work hard and it is dangerous work. So glad to hear he is going to be ok.

A few months back one of our homeschool families had a family member killed in a well explosion.

Our prayers are also with him and all of the workers saftey.


Wow! Amazing. Thanks for the update. Indeed, it is extremely dangerous.
My understanding is this was a 10 - 12' fall hitting chin on fixed latter rung on a frac sand hopper. No rig on site at time. Well was being fraced. . Still prayers go out, dangerous work.

Just wanted to make a point about how bad reporting can be used to further agendas concerning this industry.

Did not mean to hijack discussion.
my prayers and thoughts go out to him and his family.  These guys work long, hard hours in all kinds of weather.  Away from home some of them and a dirty, job.  My husband works on a rig and these guys have to be on their toes at all times and are highly knowledgeable of their work.  They deserve a lot more credit than what they receive. 
absolutely agree with you.  please don't take my statement as an indictment of the industry or its workers
I understand, you know the media, just like the gossip game we played as kids.  They pubish stories and do not have all the facts.  I know this first handed.  It just seems like they want to give the gas industry a black eye.  Where there is human contact there will be human error.  It does not matter how far you would fall, you could even trip over a 6 inch step and do damage.   That is life.  I am just glad nothing worse happened.  The media blows things all our of proportion. 


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