any info on pipeline agreements. i was contacted a couple weeks ago and was offered $15 a foot. property is in bradford county

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any suggestions on a pipeline attorney?  Companies are approaching landowners in Sullivan County as well.
We are getting a pipeline and they are paying us per diameter of the pipe or total of pipes.  So if they are putting a 24 inch pipe in they should pay you $24 per foot.  Now there is surface damages, temporary ROW usage payment and the width of the ROW also.  Surface damages we are getting paid per acre.  Don't forget about your timber.  They are paying us twice the value and giving us the timber.  Make sure it is fertilized and planted to your specs.  Good luck
You might want to make sure they cover increased insurance costs to any and all buildings. Our insurance sent us a notice that it would not cover damages from drilling and transport on or near our property. I had to call them because the way it was stated I thought they meant our household propane tank. The farm behind us has the transportation line as yet unfinished don't know why.

We got $12.00 /ft. + $2,000/ ac. land damage for an 8" dia. line, 50' ROW

A couple neighbors got 15 bucks/ ft.



Is it possible to stop them from running the line on your property?

First they were going to run it 1,800 feet then rerouted to 1,200 feet. Now it's down to 200 feet but would go right through a spot where I plan to build. I was thinking of getting the building permit now. I really don't want the line because I don't think the reimbursement offsets the lost value of the land when you resell.

Contact JRM Consulting in Ohio.   This company has been taking care of our landowners concerns,they seem to have a unlimited staff and have worked miracles in several counties throughout the basin. 

You've already rec'd some good advice.  $$$ per foot should be determined by diameter of pipe,  restricted to a specific # of lines being allowed (if more are needed that's another access lease),  type of line being laid e.g. gas/water/electric ... BE SPECIFIC ... allow no broad all-encompassing clauses.  All the environmental concerns raised earlier by Karen are important, as is depth of pipe put down.  There is a "minimum depth allowance" on record, but shoot for 48" because any heavy equipment rolling across increases soil impaction and pressure on pipe that you may already have in place.  Any damage done to a private road the access may want to cross should require replacement, and whether damage occurs or not ... if it's your road that's being used then that's more $$ in your pocket.  A ROW lease that's solid should include clauses that protect your AC through the use of strong fences and gates that keeps everything where it belongs for both parties.  The list goes on ...

The mention of  $$$ per foot is almost the least that should be concerning the property owner.

Janice Lanphere Hancharick

4-County Leasing Group  (Cattaraugus/Allegany in NY, Potter/McKean in PA)

  So far I`m hearing at least $25 per ft plus $3000 per acre for timber. The part that concerns me is the pipe they are using/ Sch 20 and natural backfill/all encompasing product (oil,gas,water, etc:.) I asked the pipeline rep to confirm the type of pipe and never heard anything back. For those not familiar with pipe wall thickness, try to find a local pipefitter to explain it. His first reaction will probably be " are you kidding me? "--8" sch 20 ERW (seamed) pipe is about 400psi. The bigger the diameter the less preassure. I saw the hole left in the ground from an explosion in Hickory Pa about 35 years ago ------ and recently the one in Gavers Ohio,you would not want to be within a mile of one if it lets go. I am all for getting the product to market------but it must be saftey first.

Safety is the reason we refused to allow the pipeline to go through our property where we have our home. 

As I said before our insurance on our buildings would have gone up 3X at the very least (yes I checked with the insurance co). I discovered the insurance issue when we received our "change in policy" for PA. I was confused and called them for clarification.
What insurance company are you dealing with?  Rates vary from company to company. I wonder what "specs" would have satisfied them to keep your rate on an even keel?
Travelers. We went with them because they were the most reasonable for our property. Had Allstate and they were almost double the rate.

Hi everyone...

since some are getting pipeline contracts in some counties of Pa.   I thought it good to bring this discussion back up since it is from last get input and pricing from last year.   Also to add this video of pipeline installation to help anyone being approached with a pipeline offer so you can see more of the installation of such:

remember the diameter of the pipeline is much timber taken out in area size compared to the size of the actual pipeline placement.   I heard one lady say that though they were only using a certain amount on the pipeline contract per foot the timber removed was way over what they expected in losing.

(i thank Chesapeake Energy for contributing videos at Youtube of the many facets of NG production...I sure wish those had been there years ago...but I sure am happy they are there now ...2011 is when they added them).


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