Have you signed a lease and are still waiting to get paid? How long has it been? Who did you sign with? What is the wording in your lease?

Have the OG companies drilled, but you haven't been paid? Was the payment what you expected? How much did you get per acre/month?

Where is your property?

We are thinking about signing and want to be protected and have an idea of how long it will take to get paid and what kind of wording works. There are tax consequences and planning that need to be considered and it would be helpful to know a timeframe. My wife's uncle had a well drilled (shallow) and is now HBP- his last royalty check was for $.75, yea, that's right 75 cents!

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I was told you can give out the name/number, but you should do it via private message.  That way you are providing assistance, which is what this site is all about, but you're not soliciting or advertising.
You're probably right, George. I think I have seen people post names of recommended attorneys but maybe they should not have. And Mark sounds like the company might rather not be so public.

OK great, and thanks for the advice. This law firm has helped many people get paid by many different companies for various issues, including bonus/delay rentals, owed royalty payments, and surface use compensation.  They also helped me out so I never mind helping send people their way as I know what it is like to be depending on monies that without help, are not going to be dispersed.  If there are any interested parties, feel free to do as Mr. Brown said above and private message me, I will put you in contact with them confidentially. 


I sent you a friend request; that seems the first step in exchanging messages. Thanks for offering this help.


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