Can anyone give me an idea what the per acre price of land is around Wellsboro are?

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Haris, I can send you some recent sales of property around Wellsboro if you can tell me a little about your land. Township, Acreage, Road frontage, Level, Steep, Open, Wooded, Timber value, Tillable fields, View,Wate,etc.... Most buyers now are fully aware of the gas drilling activity, and want to purchase all rights the seller owns. There are buyers that have been buying property retaining the subsurface rights and putting the property back on the market the next day. Very hard to sell this. Thanks.
Hi Scott, thanks for the reply. My land is approx 23 acres, in Middlebury township. it has road frontage and fairly level. It is wooded but not densely and has no commercial timber value. Has view. I am more curious because I was told it has good gravel and, of course hopefully, natural gas.
As I live in Lawrenceville PA Tioga county 54.7 acres I also would like to know Scott.
I wouldn't sell land in Tioga County right now! If you sell it, you'll get a few thousand dollars an acre. If you lease the rights and get into a pool (an area of land associated with a well), 23 acres could bring in thousands of dollars a month for many years...and you'll still own the land.
Dear Lynn, thanks for the reply. You mentioned "pool". How does that work? My land being part of the pool will allow the and adjacent well to tap into my land horizontally and I get paid royalty from it? Thanks.
I have investers that will buy in this area. Price per acre is $2500 to $3500 per acre. Do not sell for less! Thats if you own all the rights including gas. Even if you have a current lease on it. Respectfully Tony Valeriano Jr.
do not sell your land exxon has just made a major purchase of xto drilling. this means that the big boys are on the way. xto is big in the western part of the state
Haris , If you do have good gravel on your property I know that one of our members would be interested in speaking with you about that resource. Give me a ring at 607-329-2587.
Hey! Land prices are going up considerably. There are pieces with oil and gas rights transfer at $7000 plus per acre depending on whether they are leased or unleased, who the lease is with, when it expires, etc. I believe land with no OGMs should sell between $2500 and $3500 per acre on average. Views, buildings, improvements, etc may push this higher. Land with OGMs should be $4000/acre and up. We have buyers looking for land with rights!


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