I was told by Dawson rep, when I consented to allow mapping that no party could view my( property) data unless I had leased my oil and gas rights to them.   The representative said that when the map would be viewed my section would be " blacked out"  Does anyone know anything regarding access to this mapping? Thanks

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Anything that a landman tells you is worth the paper it is written on.

I do not know where you are located, nor do I know who the client(s) might have been for which the 3D survey was shot.

I suggest several possibilities:

1). It was a "group shoot". Dawson Geophysical shoots the survey for a group of companies. Each company paying a share of the costs of the survey. Each company receiving a copy of the data.

2). It was a "spec shoot". Dawson Geophysical shoots the survey on it's dime, and then attempts to recover their costs and make a profit by selling the data to who-so-ever is wiling to pay the price.

3). It was shot exclusively for one client.

My guess is 1). or 2).


A small patch of seismic data over a small area is essentially worthless to O & G Companies.

For the seismic data to have utility, one would normally need to tie the data into existing well data to calibrate the seismic data - to tie the seismic data to geologic data/knowledge.


I suspect that the landman hired by Dawson Geophysical told you what you wanted to hear.

He told you what would allay your concerns.

I expect that all you have is the memory of verbal communication, nothing in writing about confidentiality of data.

I expect that were you to now contact the landman, he would have no recollection of that conversation.

I consider the above to be the bad news.

The good news is that the availabilty of this seismic data for potential viewing by interested parties likely enhances the value of your property for lease. Having access to this data might well increase the comfort level of interested parties; and an increased comfort level can lead to increased interest.

Do'nt beat yourself up, I do not think that you gave anything away.

I have a general knowledge and familiarity with seismic aquisition techniques.

However, I am not personally familiar with seismic aquisition in the Marcellus areas.


This is all in my humble opinion.

One size fits most.

The above opinions are worth ever penny you paid for it.





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