Is anyone offended by the Philadelphia Inquirer "Deep Drill" Website referring to oil and gas development counties in Pennsylvania  using the terms :  "Gas Land".   Our Pa. counties have carried their names and identities referring to peoples' homelands for two centuries now; so why are big city Inquirer reporters calling it ;  "Gas Land," now?  Wasn't that the name of a documentary addressing the Dimock, PA water issues allegedly involved during and after local oil and gas development?  This pejorative term devalues our cherished homelands and really bugs me, and I live in the oil and gas development around Rome, and Standing Stone Townships, Bradford County.  I maintain a blog on GOMARCELLUSSHALE.COM, and I am putting together a piece on this phenomenon of changing our homeland's names to "Gas Land."  Does the term "Gas Land", bother anyone else, and is it worth protesting to the Inquirer?  Please respond as you will.  Thank you all, and happy holidays which- ever you choose to celebrate!    Robert A. Young,   Rome, PA           

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This site presents a “Population Density” map of Pennsylvania:


As you look at the Population Density map, you can visually see proof of what we already know; the State Legislature and Governorship are (and historically have been) in the control of the great unwashed huddled masses of Philadelphia and its environs (and to a much lesser extent the urban and suburban areas of Pittsburgh).

The voices of those who live in the rural areas (area wise encompassing the vast majority of PA) are rarely heard. 

It would be naïve to believe that those many without Marcellus Shale gas (wealth) will now leave rural PA (west of the mountains) alone. They left us alone when we were scrapping by; but when it looks like some of us might finally benefit from our land, they will soon have theirs hands out. We will have to fight off these ravenous wolves as they head for our doors.


Adolph Hitler tagged those of the Jewish faith jews (doing so in a pejorative fashion) prior to confiscating what they had. 

In the Soviet Union, the middle class were proclaimed “Enemies of the State” and then the State confiscated what they had.

Referring to our homes as “Gas Land” is a way for gasbags to start the process of demonization – prior to attempting to tax (confiscate) as much as they can.


The worst part of having something special is that there are so many who would like to take it from us.


All in my humble opinion.



Profound points and graphic JS.  It's interesting that some of the environmental activists who are anti-drill activity are quoted in the Inquirer article are from "Chester County" Pa., a very wealthy area.  Also, some of the comments to an Inquirer letter to the editor recently seemed like it was finger-pointing and casting blame on the N/E Pa. residents for caving into the energy companies, allowing develolpment and threatening their water downstream of the Susquehanna.  It is also equally interesting that the Chesapeake Basin residents living close to Washington D.C. lobbies have dictated for years the practices of N/E Pa. dirt farmers relative to nutrients added to the soil to improve yields, subsequently running into rivers and ending up polluting the Chesapeake Bay.  When I took a trip to that area once I actually saw raw sewage being pumped into the Bay by local establishments such as motels,  hotels and other businesses.  Thanks for the comment,appreciated...R.A.Y.


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