Today Carrizo Oil & Gas announced that it is entering the Utica Shale Play by way of a Joint Venture with Avista Capital Partners. There are 15,000 acres involved and Carrizo is paying $1,500 per  acre for ONLY 10% interest. You do the math. What would the value per acre be for 100% interest?


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Does anyone know where Devon Energy has acreage leased . What counties within the Utica ?

Scott, I see they are active in Medina and Ashland counties. I think most of their leased acreage is in the western area of the oil zone. I think the majority of their acreage was from a buyout of one or two smaller companies. My memory might be off, but I think Anschutz was maybe one of them.


It was not Anschutz. But yes, they are in Medina and Ashland counties. They're drilling a well in both counties this year.

The Ohio DNR has updated their permit/activity reports for the last two weeks. See the link...


The cost of Total S.A.'s purchase of a 25% share of some Utica acreage held by Chesapeake was $14,991 per acre. Link to news article is on this site in a different post.

Article in the local newspaper regarding injection wells & earthquakes:

The Ohio DNR has updated the permit/activity report for last week. Look for activity to pick up steam as we move towards Spring. Carroll County is very hot at the moment. See the link...


Here's a good current list of Utica stories to catch up on. See the link...


Here's a few Utica updates including Consol Energys' plans for drilling. See the link....



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