Hello all,
I was just wondering if anyone has or is sitting on a lease from ILG. Were being offerd 3,000 + 15%. I know there has been several others offerd this and maybe sitting on this. My question is does anyone know anything about this company? Looked on the web for any testamonials about this company, and are they offering anymore to anyone else. Were located five miles east on sr.556 towards clairington. Any info would be appreciated.

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If you have not received your bonus yet I would contact your lawyer.  

Hi Mike, I just got a call from ILG last week in response to an email I sent them. My lease is going out to me on Wed. and there are about 30 days left until they pay the sign on bonus. It is 120 working days from the day you signed, not including Holidays, weekends ect... Everything should be going according to plan. Hang in there! The wait is killing us all!

ILG LEASE LANGUAGE:  "If the initial signing bonus is not paid within 120 business daysfrom the date of the last of the Lessors   ( that’s plural, attorney time) to sign this Lease, the same shall be null and voidas of the first day thereafter, except the Lessee may extend the 120 business day period by an additional 90 days by making a non-refundable payment of $100.00 per net mineral acre to the Lessor."

Bill I pointed out the term "LESSORS from the post I referenced to" which is also in your own post. Since it is possible under the term of plural lessors where does the bottom lessors signature come into play at with leases being reassigned? Hey I am on your side. It shows a need to be dang careful.

 Case in point. Read this. I did. Now read this I did? One is a confession where one is questioning their actions. I personally know of a woman where the police supposedly forgot to turn on a tape recorder during questioning. 

 Miss Fraze you have led us to believe you had more to do with his death than we thought. Her reply was I did? Since no recording was made it went to the grand jury as a transcript "I did." That was all it took. The woman was released not long ago after 16 years in prison, the toxicologist for the prosecution never obtained a degree in the field, he also testified against another woman in a murder trial she was released as well. The pretend toxicologist was sentenced to 30 days in jail!

  Point is be dang careful. Find a good attorney that's a problem.

Has anyone recived a check from ILG ?

I would hate to be ronnie m today!but don't blame him he got sucked in like everyone else

i was wondering how does everyone know that there sending new leases who contacting everyone to say they were sending new leases.i would think you would have to start the whole thing over again

Has any one ever heard of eclipse resourses?
I was told they are in a joint venture with ilg

I believe Eclipse is an established outfit & if I am not mistaken you can check the ODNR site & see that they are on the list & I also believe they may already be drilling a well or two in Noble County, Ohio.

Other group could be the same as ILG  I don't need any more bull !

Other than Cobras post. I hae heard nothing to that affect? I spoke to Ronnie the other day, he returned my phone call, and said some townships have been released, but Salem was not one of them. I would call Ronnie if I were you!



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