If fracking fluids are found to be the cause of the illnesses at LeRoy High School, would you change your position on fracking?


The symptoms the children at LeRoy High School in LeRoy New York are suffering from are very similar to the neurological symptoms shown in the movie "Split Estate".   The movie documents what citizens in Rocky Mountain States have been living with for years, primarily in the towns of Dish Texas and Denton Texas.

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Here is a fantastic example of bull crap.


 I commented:


17 seconds ago

Bob have you considered this? 
"The federal Environmental Protection Agency is investigating whether Marcellus Shale drilling and compressor station operations in the county have caused any environmental damage or violated federal regulations." 
Now if the EPA saw or knew of a violation wouldn't it make sense that they would have right there and then put a halt to it? Gee you mean the EPA would allow violations to be ongoing while they tried to figure out if they knew the regulations they created? Sounds like the EPA is awaiting the political answer through team Obama not the so called impartial scientific EPA.

Howard did you take part in this test and vote to ban this dangerous compound?

H2O: Dangerous Chemical!

A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."

And for plenty of good reasons, since:

  1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
  2. it is a major component in acid rain
  3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
  4. accidental inhalation can kill you
  5. it contributes to erosion
  6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.

  • Forty-three (43) said yes,
  • six (6) were undecided,
  • and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.

The title of his prize winning project was, "How Gullible Are We?"

He feels the conclusion is obvious.

Mark I baited the anti frackers in the Newark Advocate with that, they do not know the punch line! LMAO. 


Jan Trexler Kennedy and the others here. I want to take a opinion poll here and would appreciate it if you would respond with a yes to ban it or no to exclude it in the Hydrofracking process. This is listed in the State of Texas data bank on one of the components of a fracking solution.
it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
it is a major component in acid rain
it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
accidental inhalation can kill you
it contributes to erosion
it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.
Forty-three (43) said yes,
six (6) were undecided,
What is you opinion should this be banned in fracking say YES of not say NO. Thanks for your opinion.

 Lets see the answers!!! lol

To piggyback Mark, Huffington Post points the illness to PANDAS. Whether PANDAS or conversion, those aren't related to fracking fluids. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/08/pandas-mystery-illness-ler...

"...Many experts have diagnosed them with conversion disorder -- where a stress or psychological issue manifests in physical symptoms. But now New Jersey neurologist Dr. Rosario Trifiletti suspects that the real root cause could be something called PANDAS, TIME reported, an infection that the girls he's seen are now being treated for with antibiotics.

PANDAS, or pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections..."

that is exactly what I read Anna - PANDAS...


The firm hired to do environmental testing for the Leroy schools says it will do further testing of the air inside the schools – which could take up to seven weeks. At that point, they may get around to soil testing. No mention of the shale gas wells on the school property, and no explanation of why they would wait before testing the soil around those wells.  


In all the discussion on the Leroy school website, there’s no mention of spills around the wells, no disclosure of the dates of the spills (one happened just weeks before most of the girls started showing symptoms).


Since the fluids spilled are the result of the fracking process, they would contain whatever materials were carried back to the surface by the fracking fluids. “Fracking brine” can contain radioactiv­e materials, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds. The shale gas industry is very secretive about what might be in these fluids, but water treatment plants have discovered fracking brine is very difficult to treat. No one has tested the impact of those toxic stews on the human body, but the individual substances that emerge from fracking can cause all kinds of scary, unexplaine­d symptoms, which is why doctors in many states have asked for a moratorium on fracking until more testing can be done http://www.tcgasmap.org/media/American%20Academy%20of%20Pediatrics%...

Most of the girls involved were athletes - and the symptoms began during warm weather. Why is no one talking about the fact that those wells are right next to ball fields, or the fact that toxins can be inhaled by those near spills, or can be absorbed through skin? 

The experts say ““No known toxins could cause those symptoms.” “There's no evidence of environmental hazards.”


For too long we’ve had middle-aged male authorities say the unexplained symptoms women and children struggle with are psychosomatic. The correct response might be “We don’t know.”


Here’s just a short list of what we don’t know:

  • What was in the spills around the wells on Leroy school grounds, when they occurred, what toxins might have evaporated in weeks after spills, what toxins remain in the soil.
  • How different fracking chemicals interact with substances that surface from underground: radioactive particles, heavy metals, volatile organism.
  • How those chemical combinations impact the human body, and how long those impacts last.
  • Differences in the ways men, women and children respond to toxic overload.
  • Oh – and why school authorities are so reluctant to have that soil around the wells tested.


This seems to have been handled according to the shale gas industry's script: ignore symptoms until they can be no longer be ignored, call in an "expert" willing to say it's psychologi­cal, do a few tests and say "it's all clean and safe," insist leaseholde­rs remain silent about what's happening with their wells. Embarrass/­pressure/s­trong arm the media into dropping the story before the real truth surfaces. Blame the victim. Withhold essential information and hope people forget.


The body of evidence about the shale gas industry's disregard for human health is growing – and the story won’t go away. Check http://www.gasdrillingtechnotes.org/ 


The army of fractivists is growing too – not because of environmentalist hysteria, but because lots of normal people –farmers, trout fisherman, parents, cheerleaders – are getting sick, or seeing their cows die, or watching fish kill in streams near wells.


So let me rephrase the original question – if your own kid got sick from a fracking fluid spill on your own school’s ballfield – would you change your position on fracking?

 Gee and with kids in Schools blowing up chemistry classes I guess we ought to ban schools? Hmm did they check for any chemicals in the lab. did they check to see if any children prank home made bombs might have fisled out and were never reported? 

If your worried about fish dying are you going to ban fishing too? 

 Sorry your hyper environmental propaganda needs a bit of cold hard fact which even the anti frackers  can not present. However I would not put it beyond the antifrackers efforts to resort to environmental terrorism in sabotaging water wells, or equipment of the O7G industry to further their ideological rantings. It seems as that is the only way they will produce results they can not find. 

Billy - just curious. Which gas company is paying you to spend all day every day spreading shale gas propaganda? 

Formation brine is dangerous - which is why spills should be reported immediately, and the companies responsible should pay to have them cleaned up right away.

Here's a better analogy: if a careless driver injures someone on the road, that driver will pay to cover the injured party's expenses. And if it continues to happen, the driver will lose his license. How many violations has your company been responsible for in the past year? How many spills? How many illnesses?

People who are concerned about fracking are looking for information. Anyone who suggests that's propaganda is hiding something. 

malpractice by doctors, including prescription and over prescribed drugs, kill more Americans in one day than a lifetime of anything which comes out of the ground when drilling these wells.

How about anti-frackers go after the drug and vaccine companies!

Did they check their homes?

Formation brine has been put upon roadways for years for snow , ice and dust control. 

I don't get paid to spread propaganda, I'd like to get paid telling the truth which I know your not. 

 Here is a better analogy: If a trucking company has  2000 violations in a year with a fleet of 600 trucks does that make a trucking company a danger hardly! When you try to spin violations of a O&G company you try to make any violation look like the Valdez.

In the case of the trucking company they had 900 parking tickets, 250 tickets for violations of no trucks in our pretty little town, 150 tickets for being over weight on a axle  which may have been under 200 lbs but below 80,000lbs, 500 inspection violations from lighting upon the rigs from a tiny center cab clearance lamp to a rear center clearance lamp. Say 500 for log book inspections which can be racked up due to a line being misplaced. Now we have 50 violations left from a stop sign to a failure to control on ice to you name it  does that paint a picture of a dangerous company no! 

 Eat your heart out Carol i am retired, retired at age 44 ! 


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