Bucey Well

Layer: Utica / Point Pleasant

Driller: Chesapeake

East township in Section # 21-14-4


Well # 34-019-22074-0000 U, 3H NW from pad, Status = Producing since Sep 30, 2011


Well # 34-019-22086-0000 M , 3H NW from pad, Status = Producing  since Oct 21, 2011


Well # 34-019-22103-0000 U, 5H NW from pad, Status = FRACKED


Well # 34-019-22104-0000 U, 6H SE from pad, Status = Waiting to be Fracked



last update Apr 11, 2012


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A generator was delivered to the well pad, lots of other truck traffic and a rig was put up.  There has been no activity as far as drilling and a friend of ours who hauls rig parts between pads was there the day it went up and called it a "Plug Buster" rig.  He said they must be getting ready to frac.  They fracked for a week and we assumed they did  both holes that were drilled?  Maybe they only did one hole?  The water line that was delivering water from the Scout Camp has now been disassembled and is piled along Marigold Rd.   Surely they would not have taken the waterline out if they weren't done using it.  





 As of March 18th, ODNR states ...



 So this Plug Buster Rig may be used for the Fracking process only.

 That is new information.


 Thank You !




I have a friend who is onsite at Bucey fracking this week.

I wonder if they are HAULING water in to frac?  The waterline from the Scout Camp Lake has been disassembled in the past week and is sitting along the road in a pile.  The two previous times they have fracked, they used the waterline and did not haul water by truck. 

There has been a steady stream of bulk trucks coming in to the site for the past couple of weeks, presumably hauling sand for fracking.

update: 5H Fracked, 6H waiting to Frack



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