new to site. belive well has been drilled tubed but not feaced yet.i live appox. 15 miles from site,venango county cranberry township. have100 acre farm leased to range resources,10 dollars acre 12.5% one year left on lease. would like to renew for better deal.i know seneca resources is drilling in redbrush forest well drilled (vertical only ) currently building location for 2nd well site (horizontal ) atlas has one marcellus well in production (vertical only ) on take it easy rd leeper clarion co.

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Thanks for the update ! I'm in Clarion County, and was beginning to lose hope that Atlas would ever come here, knowing they are in the county already is great.

Thanks again;

I found the site you mentioned, it's in Lucinda, not Leeper, but I'm still happy you pointed me in the right direction. The site is on "Easy Drive". There isn't really anything to see there yet, except a Atlas sign, and some level ground. I hope they hit pay dirt, because I'm not far away from this site....

sorry about the mix up on the towns / willams pipeline group bought 51% of atlas in oct. 2009, don't know how this will effect clarion co. from take it easy rd private lane past dairy farm to well site. atlas drilled one well and started production oct 2008 / installed eight inch gathering line and had plans for two more wells
I go by this site on a regular basis. They have about 20 tanks setting there getting ready to frac. Stone Energy out of Louisiania has been leasing in the area. Was told they plan to drill this year outside of Knox with funds allocated for 20 to 25 wells in PA
Do you know the location of where they are going to drill outside of Knox? Where are the tanks setting?
good to hear EQT is ready to frac the knightown rd site. would like to know when they flare test. have not heard anything about activity in the knox area, but did hear today range is looking at a site in rockland township venango county.
The tanks are on site on Knighttown road. I was told the most likely site will be on the Chalmer Mays farm outside of Knox. Heard EQT is pleased with Knighttown road site saw Halliburton on site about a month ago don't know if they were notching or logging.
Just heard they are filling the tanks at Knighttown road. They are planning on fracking Monday or Tuesday.
any sand trucks on knightown rd site yet?
I don't know about sand trucks I only heard they were starting to fill the tanks. I live out of state, but
a friend called me told me they were pumping 4 million gallons of water from Shippenville Municipality to fill the tanks.
Just talked to a friend that said well would be fracked around May 1st.
They are filling the tanks. Some from tankers and some from the pond above them. They are also running a 3" water line from Shippenville, They have most of the line run but not completely connected.


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