How can a landowner be sure their lease stays with a USA domestic oil and gas company ?

What can landowners do to make sure their lease stays with a US domestic oil and gas company?


We need to make sure our precious domestic American oil and gas isn't owned and controlled by any foreign country, especially those with evidence of hostility towards America.


Generations of American have been violently manipulated by the international organizations which control the supply of oil. America has fallen to #2 while China has risen to #1 in global economics. Americans are suffering from long term financial stress and many little hope for economic and social recovery. Yet, we find we are sitting on the largest, most valuable oil and gas reserves in the world!


Generations of Americans have had to submit by paying a high price when our government decides to fight wars over foreign oil, government pay-offs to terrorists and warlords in exchange for fewer attacks on foreign supply lines,


Oil prices affect every American at the gas pump, at the grocery store, and for all goods and services we use every day.


Recently,  huge reserves of domestic oil and gas have been discovered in America!

According to production reports the oil and gas find in the North Eastern United States is larger than anything we've ever seen, including everything in the Middle East!


According to the 2 largest producing wells in the US are currently reported to be located in Monroe County, Ohio and in Harrison County, Ohio.


The potential economic and social benefits of this discovery is America's only hope for survival as a nation. Domestic oil and gas production controlled by Americans will mean businesses and jobs for Americans, stable income for Americans, increased funding for social programs, and a stronger stable nation.  We wouldn't need to participate in wars over foreign oil, we could finally bring our troops home, and have good paying jobs for all Americans.



Domestic oil and gas, if managed properly, gives our nation the opportunity to be self-sustaining and finally cut ties with the foreign entities which so easily manipulate us with foreign oil. 


It is very alarming to hear that Chesapeake and others intend to sell out to Communist China.


As China negotiates to buy Chesapeake, our government remains oblivious and uninvolved.


No one has stepped up to make sure these desperate deals made by CEO's will not harm American citizens!


What laws and regulations exist which protect American citizens, American natural resources, (oil, gas, water, uranium, etc) and America's vital infrastructure from being purchased, controlled and manipulated by potentially hostile

foreign entities?


Another concern is that many landowners were told that the lease was for oil and gas, but the actual lease is for ALL minerals from the surface to the center of the earth. This includes Uranium or Throium or other Radioactive components. If the leases are sold to China, they could inherit the rights to radioactive materials, as well. 


What legal action can be taken by landowners to change the current contracts or leases to indicate they do not want their property to fall under control of a foreign nation ?


What can the Governor of Ohio do to protect Ohio residents who sold their mineral rights to Chesapeake and others who may act with wreckless disregard for the landowners and the nations best interest?


Will  Gov. Kasich create regulations which prevent foreign countries from manipulating our very own oil and gas supplies against Ohio residents?


What provisions should landowners include in future contracts to prevent the sale or transfer of their lease to a communist controlled country such as China or any organization with hostile intent towards America?




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Investors from around the world are trying to get their hands on

our mineral rights.


The power rests with the holder of the rights.


How many of us are advertising our minerals in China?


They, and many others WANT to have what we already own.


If they want it, they can have it on OUR terms.



If they want it, they can have it on OUR terms.

that's the point , it is no longer on OUR terms.....most of the leases are already signed that they do have already using the permission to assign the lease to anyone , anytime, and even forever.  The new leases being signed is a good way to clean this up some...but there are so many leases already signed.   The oil companies are the only ones right now unless the government gets  involved that can make some statements about sales to non citizens and or /companies that are from foreign countries.   But unless the stockholders are loyal US citizens then their statement of rules for such probably aren't there.   The direction that the oil companies have taken us landowners in this is outrageous..and their philosophy is hey, you got more money than you saw for years, so shut up and just sit back and know we have the stronghold over your resources...but now they have to sell cause they need the $....and now the stronghold is what they do in who they sell to...but they make the $$ you don't and you still have the vulnerability of the lease being in some other country's assets, esp. if the oil company sold their other assets in the production.

Look at the number of leases at this site....glad they have this info there.

the upside of this USA, is that if there are enough 'smart' leases mixed among the current leases, it could either stop this or at least slow it down.

How would one ever determine anyone's hostile intent?  You can, however put limits in your lease (depth/product etc) but controlling who buys the gas is a business decision of your lease holder. 

Again, inviting govt. into this industry will not benefit landholders unless you want everyone to get their 'fair share' which is socialism.  Believe me, they are ALREADY involved much deeper than you even know because the govt. will get theirs FIRST, and this is how it is happening.  You cannot close a barn door which you didn't open in the first place.

The only threat to our national security comes from within the govt. because they already control what is happening and asking for more control will give away the rest of your freedom to do what you want with your own land.   The govt is not God. 

The only threat to our national security comes from within the govt. because they already control what is happening and asking for more control will give away the rest of your freedom to do what you want with your own land

Our government elected by the people and for the people should not be our national security threat else our society will not ever be great again unless we have a way to get those crooks out...and quickly.

If our people feel presently this way about our governing officials and systems..then we surely have not honored all those individuals who built up a system that worked by the people for the people.   If our government is our enemy...then we all need to lay down our ipods, spend less time at the theaters, (btw China bought AMC), and pick up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and a good history book and start learning about what makes our system work right...and understand the IMPORTANCE  of US citizenship and not give it all away to non-citizens and illegals.   Perhaps doing research on Chinese laws and lifestyles after studying what our own originated from...would help also....cause as a system is replaced by another system it is better to be one of the decision makers choosing the new system than forced into accepting it.

The only reason for some to be real concerned about the govt. getting involved is if the elected officials and those they hire are incompetant to do the job of representing the people and have become automonous outside of what they were elected to do.   And if we are with that fear and lack of respect to have those make and enforce rules over the majority (we are many people)...then not enough focus is being made to find out who to vote for...not enough attention paid to know your own system.   Yet some are so busy learning how to market globally they forget that security is also in the past it was that one nation conquered another to bring in their system and ways and did so in warfare which was not beneficial to the saving of lives in some areas..WWI, WW2, Vietname, etc.   Now the new warfare is who owns what and how to get their own elected in places to either introduce new systems/laws or remove ones that are there.   That is why it is important to understand what really we have with the Consititution and the Bill of Rights and is that for everyone or just US citizens?

thanks USA -

Just look how career politicians are re-elected over and over and yet we expect something different?  They DO NOT uphold the Constitution, to which they took an oath!  Heck, they've never read it!

Now that TRILLIONS of our dollars are being wasted - spent w/o our permission - they can NOW buy anything they want and there is nothing we can do!  

Al Sharpton wants to give food stamps, SS, and Medicare to illegals!  Yep, he just won a hard fought Dem Primary - money talks and others walk...

THEY have people believing SS is an entitlement!  He**, I paid into it all my life!  Govt stole from it all my life!  It is about bankrupt and yet this idiot wants to give MORE, that we don't have - away - FREE, w/o any contributions to it or to society!   Why don't they give away THEIR retirements?

Govt is no longer our friends and we must NEVER believe that they are...  EVER!!!!

IF we want to get anything done, we must do it ourselves - in groups like these - get good people elected (locally/state) and then consider what should be done.  The problem is this - good people get elected with good intentions, but once in a power position, they cannot get anything good done because they are intimidated by the rest of the crooks and have NO support!  We got a few T.E.A. Party people elected - well some were true T.E.A. Party people, and some LIED!  Just watch the votes...

Here are the words from Thomas Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial:“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

Thank you expressed that well...

You made some statements that I think many would agree with....

 They DO NOT uphold the Constitution, to which they took an oath!  Heck, they've never read it

Linda, not all our politicians fit into that description...but the majority does not know how to return to the basic principles that our forefathers thought best for this nation.

So the deep rooted problem is the attitude of the US people and how they feel about their own government and how effective it is....that is why these other countries are able to see that the USA isn't working right...but with them taking the opportunity to come over here while our house is in a mess...and financially we are unable to clean up at the same time solve the financial issue.....

is this then a good time to just let the non-citizens buy up the board?   Just because the players in this nation are not following the rules themselves?   time to stop all that is keeping us from cleaning our own house so then we can entertain these offers with some wisdom and know we are working in the US interests that were given to us as freedoms not to be tread on...but to enjoy.

You mention those that would want to 'give'....wanting to help people is a good thing..and that is why America grew so fast and so large cause they were not hoarding funds from helping other nations...but they still need 'wisdom' about how to feed them all without giving those that are mixed in with some who are not here to be fed but to take the food.   Yet that takes people who hold their job in responsibility seriously...that they do not become hoarders instead of givers...and find ways to make sure the food and help goes to those who not only appreciate it but welcome the opportunities to contribute back when they are strengthened.    

I really think that our giving to many nations as we have been...has not fully been respected by some...and some dictators just hoarded it...and many people do not really know of the wonderful American citizen spirit that loves to share...and welcome peace...they have only seen some tycoons buying up their holdings also in some of these countries.   that is why China does have rules about non-Chinese citizens when it comes to buying up their infrastructure.

Linda, and others here..   if we met face to face with some of these illegals who really are trying to find help in america (some ran from the regime problems in their country) not the ones that are forcing their way and want to would be difficult for some of us to say just go home..    Yet we have a system already designed about obtaining legal immigration...we just don't know how to get that system moving more expediently and at the same time overcome any that are coming to take rather than receive in graciousness.   If more Americans could express their ideas then I think that the problem could be quickly solved...but how to get a US senator to even take the time today with all the busyness to even find the right path to solving the problem in his email?

Gosh, USA - like minded people do exist! 

I want people to keep what they worked their whole lives for, to benefit from the fruits of their labors and being able to hang onto land (farmers) when many years they may have borrowed money just to pay the taxes.  IF they would let us keep our own money, we could support charities as we've done many years.  People today just depend on the govt to use 'other people's money' to take care of everything, and then we have 43% who pay no taxes yet live off other people's tax money.

Schools keep our children dumb and undereducated because of funding and mandates from govt.   They change history books, thus don't teach real history, so they don't know what happened thus are not able to learn from the past.

They don't read classics, so can't learn from them.  Schools are raising non-thinking slaves, who will work all their lives for the govt via taxes and allow the continued loss of freedom.  

J.C. Penny's new mantra is 'Fair and Square'.  All things equal.  Share the wealth.  Get our fair share.  I want to puke every time I hear these socialistic comments!  

And the word, 'mandate' can really get my blood boiling! 

OK, nice talking to you and sharing thoughts and principles.

As long as our govt takes care of illegals, give them free reign, and continue buying their votes, solving the illegal aliens problem will never change. 

Unfortunately, we really don't own our land - we have SOME control and they are taking that freedom away too.  Just try not paying taxes and see who actually own your home and your land!

If non citizens get a stronghold on our country's political system and owns our natural resource infrastructure also and creates a new money system.....there is no telling how long our leases to receive royalties would last...that also is a concern.   For these other countries do not believe in giving the individual landowner the royalties for production.   So some of you that don't care should.

Do you remember when you were little and didn't have enough money to buy your mom or sister a Christmas gift?   what usually was said to you,....\

Go make your own' and give that as your gift.   Then you would probably look around and see what resources you have to make her something...and then with your gift to do the work and the desire to make it gave a homemade, possibly handmade gift for christmas.

It is time for our nation to stop selling off our resources, our infrastructure to unknown individuals...and come home and 'make our own" just like the little children are told when they don't have enough to buy their own.

It was and still is...America' ingenuity that made this country work and of course a love for freedom that GOD  (that is faith in our Maker) helped them to achieve...that made our country stand as a beacon for other countries...

so let's come home US industry and corporate world and make our own again...while still being benevolent towards the other countries and still trading with them...but not at the loss of our patriotism and wisdom...else if we are going to be global...who will be at the helm of that challenge?   Cause that is where it is heading presently....and that is the reason to discuss these things .

that is so true, USA and why waiting for the ultimate (dream) offer may be ill advised, again, depending on age and necessity.

It IS coming, we just don't know when.  We've seen it sidetracked at times, by good people doing the right thing, but the pattern is set and ultimately, but for some miracle, it will continue on it's evil path.

One other fact, which I must clear up, is China is NOT the biggest holder of ur debt - it's the Federal Reserve (which most people understand it is not part of the Federal Govt., yet they allow them to control interest rates, the printing of money etc.  It's controlled by the International Banking System, and they are in control.  That's why Ron Paul is so adamant about eliminating the Federal Reserve. 

But, 'they' have the power, control the money and the guns, and the shadow govt., so it is very unlikely it will ever happen. 


Politicians seem to have one goal.. to be re-elected.


They are motivated to take action when a large group of voters repeatedly present their concerns via email, phone calls, the media, etc.


Popularity is essential to getting re-elected, so if they think something is 'popular' they want and need to pay attention to what the crowd is asking for, then meet the needs of as many potential voters as possible.


It doesn't seem to matter to many politicians WHAT the majority of people want .. if they believe they can use the situation to get re-elected, they will do what it takes to 'look concerned' and 'take action'.. you'll get lots of phone calls from  them around election time to remind you of all the wonderful things they did, and encourage you to thank them by voting for your 'favorite' candidate.


It is what it is.. we can use it or loose it.

Those who are willing to use this resource will be heard, and they will get results.


If people aren't petitioning the politicians, they have nothing to do but listen to lobbyists.. who do not act in our favor.

WE have been overlooking a very effective and efficient tool..

the large, peaceful, well organized crowd carrying informative posters while politely walking along the sidewalk in front of the capital building in Columbus.


Every news station in Columbus would tell our story for us..

we'd have to be sure it is a well planned, well executed event..

but our collective concerns would be heard and addressed.


Anyone want to start a sign up sheet?





whoops, not a primary, that was Rangal, even though censored for 11 ethics violations and this would be his 22nd term!   - but it is Sharpton who is promoting illegals... sorry for the error...


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