Famous Buell well (Buell 8H) about to be shut down!!! Chesapeake doesn't own horizontal drilling rights!

Looks like Chesapeake's "best shale well ever" is actually owned by Kenneth Buell.

You can find all the relevant court documents (very hard to get your hands on - rural public records...) and analysis here:

And the Buell well will soon look like this.

p.s. the well is in Harrison County, Ohio.

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Is this for real? What does this mean for all the other leases in Ohio? Does CHK have to come back in and negotiate them, as well? 

Some old deeds have terms "under and through" in the reservation of minerals. Judge Nunner ruled with the sportsman's club that this limited access to minerals only to that specific parcel. It looks like Buell's mineral title says the same thing.

as does 5 square miles of land around the Buell well.

CHK will appeal this.  If this stands they'll have to make massive surface lease payments to everyone who doesn't own mineral rights but has a potential surface location.

Any idea what that means in the short term?

They will appeal but that will take upwards of a year. In the interim, the Buell well will be shut in and CHK likely will not be able to develop most any of their acreage in Archer Township between now and next summer. There is a reason Carroll permits dwarf Harrison ones, even though the most exciting IP results (at least in terms of what the media and investors responded to) came from Harrison's Buell well. That's the best case scenario.

This doesn't exactly qualify as news...  this case, this topic has been thoroughly vetted many times on this site.  The decision should and likely will be reversed on appeal.

"Judge's ruling limits shale developer's drilling rights CADIZ, Ohio..."

Sorry. I'm rather new here. 

Is the shut down going to happen soon?

That would depend on whether or not CHK was successful in obtaining an injunction or a restraining order during the impending appeal process.

Thanks again Jacque. Seems as if the poster is the owner.

The timing is the hardest part to nail down (I have never litigated in Harrison County) but I would guess the permanent injunction would come by mid August. You figure CHK would pay $5 or $10 million just to make the case go away...especially considering the problems in the surrounding 5 square miles around the Buell well. Hard to tell if it's arrogance on their part, or just preoccupation with their other numerous scandals.


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