What would be your reaction if this took place upon your property? 


 My response :

Trespassing endangering the public to have the police baby sit you instead of protecting the citizens is both childish and irresponsible as adults. I hope you are arrested for criminal trespassing, endangering public safety and are assessed for the cost of police and the damages in the lost productivity of the rig and crew at about $15,000 per hour! 
As a landowner if you were on my property you would be arrested and I would press charges with more pressure than any frack could generate!

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Here's the link to what Mike wrote up about this: http://eidmarcellus.org/marcellus-shale/professional-protesters-com...

Three were arrested for disorderly conduct the one from Oregon was arrested in Oregon about a year ago in a logging protest. As she is out of state might bail be denied?  HMMM

I was once advised to not use "no trespassing" signs but to always use "enter at your own risk" signs as it leaves more options open to the property owner. This came about  after a confrontation with hunters who when told they were on private property informed me they saw no signs stating that fact. I asked if they owned the land...they said no, I then asked if it was public property..they said no...I replied if it is not yours and not publically owned than it is "private" property and they were trespassing on "private" property.

Any thoughts???

Perhaps we should market No Trespassing signs that utilize Braille  since it appears the tree huggers might be blind.

in all reality, i believe that the vast majority of people cannot read - a product of our government "skrewl" system

I don't want to live "downwind" from that bunch - tree huggers / hippies/ flower children / mother earthers / enviro-mentals - don't practice or believe in personal hygeine.  Too bad the taxpayers of this country are getting screwed by having their hard earned dollars go for food stamps, housing, cellphones, and now healthcare to these pot-fried dopes.

Jasper not all people are tree huggers or hippies  lots are just concerned people like you ! Your comment shows your ignorance !

william - I was referring to those in the picture above.  the tree huggers / hippies/ etc. that I know DO NOT have good personal hygeine.  if you think that having no personal hygeine is "ignorant", then your are a dolt.

No Jasper I think those that make comments like you did without knowing the parties involved are bigots!

Mike first of all your comments are defaming .Second people who protest all this drilling create more regulations which only makes it a lot more safe !This is what America is about freedom of speech ! It's bad enough nat gas drillers have gotten away with what they have damaged so far ! Much more regulation  improvements needs to be implemented ASAP .Sorry if all pro gassers disagree but common sense doesn't .Also Mike  I have worked all my life over 46 years and now am retired .


You are wrong. This is simple obstruction of justice, nothing more worth talking about.


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