It seems that we've reached one of many times during the oil and gas watch where it is very difficult to discern what the truth is. On the one hand, we hear of Chesapeake's issues, with the issues of low pressure on Devon's Medina and Ashland wells and stories about Anadarko basing it's future plans on the results of the Mill Creek well in Coshocton County. On the other hand, we have a bunch of smaller players who are frantically active right now, which you would normally think is a sign of excitement and hope. How can we know the truth? Or, are we left to guess and speculate?

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  BTW, what is your opinion of GPOR's procedure of producing from the last frac zone, after plugging the first (17, 23,27,etc), then publishing results from that last zone? Is it reasonable to multiply the results from that one zone by the total number of frac zones to determine total well output?

   Seems like they are really anxious to satisfy their impatient stockholders! Infrastructure availability seems to be the reason for the flurry of activity in Carroll County.


My opinion is that GPOR does that for two reasons:

1.  To keep their equity valuation high and keep investors buying GPOR stock.

2.  To help discern how resting the well improves (or not) overall production.

I think that's a great way to keep their cost of capital low and to learn about their new well.

I agree that in the early days like now, infrastructure will determine activity, even above geology.  A 1,000 boe/d well isn't worth much if you can't get your product to market.


  Intrigued by your GMS "handle". I envision you in top hat, spats & cane, riding your opulent horse-drawn carriage down Euclid Avenue in Cleveland to your Standard Oil office!


Not too far off...


Whoa Nellie! I didn't envision the "after" shot! But if you're rolling in oil dough, anything goes!!!!


Any Feel for Morgan County?....I have not seen much information at this point....Thanks

Morgan has nice potential, but there are no real data points yet.  Hang in there.

Just Wait a few months. the 3rd. and 4tf qtr. production reports from the drillers in theses here parts that have wells drilled and producing will PROVE what is down there and where it is and where it isnt. Devon,Gulfport,PDC,Rex,Antero, Anadarko,Enervest. all will have to report to the State. Some of them may report peak production #s to satisfy their shareholders and boost investers, some may choke back and report smaller #s to keep the future lease money payments down. Whatever the case, we will know, and there will be enough of us on this site posting to make sure landowners will be informed. Those who have'nt leased yet may be pleasantly surprised!

When the Socialist Governor of New York and the Blazing Communist Mayor of New York City come over to the pro-fracking corner , what's that telling you...............? We are sitting on several Gold Mines with a couple of Platinum Mines thrown in!

Just be sure to get out and VOTE in November or our new found wealth won't be OURS for long!

tells me its an election year. they win and their support of the energy industry will evaporate.

I doubt it.  Reckless spending requires ever more taxation.  NY state and city politicians need cash to continue their progressive societal re-engineering.  The energy industry is just another sheep to be shorn.

Hi All,

I don't reply much I mostly read, because I still don't have a solid grasp on all this. Anyway, I was wondering where the info about the Medina county well came from and where I can find it. All I saw on the ODNR site was on the reports that says the conductor casing is set. Oh and what does that mean exactly? I think I have an idea of what it means but wanted to know for sure. Thanks


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