EID-O's Dan notes President Obama's recent statements supporting shale development:

"Last week, amidst  the national conventions, President Obama sounded off in an interview with Ron Ponder of WHBC in Canton. As one could imagine, in a show based in Ohio’s “Utica Capital”, energy – and Ohio’s development of the Utica Shale specifically – was a topic of interest.

As Energy in Depth previously reported, oil and natural gas development is enjoying bi-partisan support in the midst of an election year – one of a few issues all sides of the aisle can agree on.

Reiterating previous statements (including a few from this year’s State of the Union address), the President again emphasized his support of the development of our domestic energy resources, acknowledging it’s role in providing energy security and boosting our economic recovery.

I am a big promoter of natural gas as a way for us to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources, but also to create jobs. – President Obama (Obama on fracking: ‘I am a big promoter of natural gas’, 9/5/12)

Reducing our dependence on foreign energy and creating jobs – a cause everyone can promote.

And it’s not theoretical. That was made evident last week as well, as hundreds gathered in Youngstown for the YOUNG Expo to take advantage of the vast opportunities Ohio’s oil and gas industry is providing.

Even at this early stage of development, we are already seeing the positive impact development is having on our workforce. As the Salem News reported, over 8,000 jobs have already been created thanks to Ohio’s development, and there is more to come."

READ THE REST: http://www.eidohio.org/president-promotes-shale-on-points-to-ponder/

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Talk is cheap. Look at his history when it comes to fossil fuels

amen............you have said it all.

Double Amen. Politicians, especially those seeking re-election will say anything.

As I usually say: Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. (this includes the gas companies as well)

don't believe anything this president says....he is NOT with us!


Another Amen......


Obama and Biden said they were for clean coal during the 2008 elections and look what they have done to the coal indusrty.   He is using the EPA to try to stop fracing, just as he used them as one of his tools to stop coal!

Another Amen.....

What about the ban in new York state.? What about the huge push to stop fracking in pa? The democratic party owns the environmental movement. If they had there way no drilling would take place.
Like who? Some rhino maybe. You can not honestly argue that obama has promoted fossil fuels including natural gas.

Dems promoted nat gas as safe and clean when it was too expensive to compete with wind and solar.  As soon as they started finding enough to drop the price the opposition started looking for a way to oppose its development.  They landed on fracing and they will use any and all arguments-valid or not-to make that the reason to stop the drilling.  We already know the epa is sitting on an entire set of new federal regulations that will be put into effect if Obama and the dems take the upcoming election.  Mark is correct about the correlation between clean coal in 2008 and natural gas in 2012.

Nonsense. He wants wind and solar and wants to send our tax dollars to subsidize his friends in the wind and solar industries. The Solyndra example is but one of many examples. He did little or nothing to line up votes for the natural gas bill that died in the senate. It would have done many things, and included a large one time tax credit for each truck converted from diesel to natural gas. There was no presidential leadership on this whatsoever, and you know it. You are capable of much better. Samuel J. Orr


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