I am in a pretty tough spot right now and may have to sell a few acres worth of gas rights to get past it. This isn't something I'd like to do but circumstances being what they are it's likely sell some or lose them all. So can anyone recommend a company? Or just offer any advice?  

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I would put your county, township, acreage and phone number under your post and Im sure someone will call within 10 minutes

You would have to do that in the county section. In my area we got a notice requesting buying a portion of our rights but it was a local company.

how do you do that

Go to the header across the top of the page and move your cursor over "Find a State" A drop down menu will appear....click on your state. Then  look up your county.

If the drop down doesn't appear, click on "Find a State" then click on your state, then go to your county

i am really interested i am just a land owner but really interested. is some one drilling on it ? was womdering what u r asking for it ? if you want to e mail me i'm at scottbs1@yahoo.com thank you

You can sell your minerals to anyone. But I recommend to all landowners that they sell them to someone in your state so the money does't leave the region. There are alot of company's out of Texas and Oklahoma that would love to take this royalty money and use it "out there". We landowners need to keep the money working in our own communities, i.m.o.

I didn't intend for this to be an ad, although a few people have enquired. If it's in violation of the site rules my apologies.

I'm really just not sure how to go about setting a price or who to contact. Perhaps asking the neighbors if they're interested would be a good bet? 

I think your biggest $$ will come out of tx or ok where these guys know the long term
value and the bigger picture of these plays.. Awhile back a guy on here took out a classified ad in the Oklahoma City paper and had 5 calls the first 2 days. Not sure what ever happened but he was asking $15k/acre to sell his leased by a small driller land in guernsey co. It'd be nice to keep the owners local, but not sure of your personal priorities. Just sharing what I've seen. Ive also talked with some mineral buyers and their offers were low IMO. A few hundred/acre if not already in a unit, to a couple thousand $.

Mud,              Partner with a relative, friend or neighbor that is honest and will only take as much of your mineral rights as you need to get through the rough spot. There is no way someone could pay you today what your minerals are going to be worth tomorrow. Consider putting the person who helps you out on your deed as a percent owner of your mineral rights. It will take only a small percentage to pay them back when the production starts. Understand any contract you sign to make sure someone else doesn't take advantage of you. I would use a lawyer that I trust, then watch him closely. If you handle this tough spot right you and a friend or relative will both have something worth the time and effort.   Good Luck.  

Hadn't considered making anyone a percent owner. That's a good idea. I'll have to get out the calculator. :)

I have very little family to approach and just 2 close friends with the means to get involved but both have declined. Perhaps it's time to widen the search a bit. Maybe someone from my church would be interested. Thank you.

The company's that contacted me only wanted a percentage ownership. The letter says this way the landowner keeps skin in the game.

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