Still not convinced that Promised Land has an agenda, watch this:

Still not convinced that Promised Land has an agenda? Here's the movie's co-writer/star/fracktivist Matt Damon:

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The first time I saw the trailer for this I posted that I knew this would effect NY, than to see him use NY as an example in that video surely will hurt ny chances now of getting some drilling permits.
This whole thing just annoys me on so many levels. Research! That's all anyone needs to do. Than to say the people who believe in the health care act also believe in clean water not dirty water from drilling. It's just ridiculous. Just spewing words with zero facts.

I consider that Matt Damon (through this education, training, research and knowledge) has the equivalent of a Phd in fracing.


In his case, Phd stands for "Piled higher & deeper".

I will let you decide what exactly might be the substance that he has managed to pile to great height.




Anyone with an interest in developing natural gas needs to see this. Damon is a big supporter of the Democratic Party and Obama. Note his refernce to the Democrats and Obamacare!!

I am still pro gas development. Nevertheless, I believe this obviously qualified expert with eminent credentials raises a number of very good questions. I think this is one rather well done academic presentation that raises a number of valid questions. He also provides a lot of information to any potential lessor as to questions he should ask before signing a lease. I will watch this at least 5 or 6 times because there is a hugh amount of relevant information on a whole variety of issues relating to natural gas development, leasing, and and other related topics.

Thats funny, I dont care who you are.

David: What is really funny is my incoherent post. When I used the term "qualified expert", I was not referring to Matt Damon but to Dr. Ingraffea. After Damon's 30 second clip, you  frame is Dr. Ingraffea giving a presentation to an anti-fracking group in Luzerne County. If you click on the frame, you will see a long presentation. I did not time it. It also apparently refers to a movie at times. The movie may be "Gas Land" but I do not know because a black screen kept popping up saying that "portions of this movie removed due to copyright issues" or something like that. Ingraffea, right or wrong, presents a lot of data and a lot of information. He knows Terry Engelder (sp. ?) from Penn State and I believe they co-authored a scientific paper at some time in the past. He admits that he and Engelder strongly disagree about the safety of horizontal drilling of which fracking is only a part. If nothing else, I learned more about the process of unconventional drilling from this guy, than I have learned any place else. That does not mean that I share his conclusions. He is a professor at Cornell and I found his presentation extremely thought-provoking. I also learned some good questions to ask, if and when, an O&G company wishes to lease my land. Because I do not have a strong scientific background, I have asked Jack Straw to possibly review it and comment. He clearly would have the expertise to evaluate it, and separate some of the wheat from the chaff. Sometimes we learn more from listening to people who disagree with us if we are open-minded enough to listen. I think the presentation is so worthwhile that anyone who posts to this site ought to view Dr. Ingraffea's presentation.


Wow...where did they get these hollywood actors to portray these country folk who live there in the promise land. There really good.
There better than Matt Damon. I think I saw the guy with the bubbling water well in a TV movie the other night.


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