Anyone know if your already getting royalties,and your lease is up in 2 years., Do you have to renew your lease. Will they approach you again to renew it or is that the end since your already receiving royalties. just curious

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We're supposed to start getting royalties the end of this month. Our lease is for 5 years. I was just wondering if they renew your lease , is it for what they're offering now . I have to check my lease to see what it says.
If you're getting royalties, then your lease will auto renew until they stop paying you royalties.
Renew at what they're paying now , or what you got when you first signed the lease. Because they're offering a lot more now.
Renew as in you'll be getting royalty payments from an active well(s). The per acre bonus was a one time thing, you wont be getting a lump sum of money any more from the gas company.
ok . thanks
As long as you are getting royalties, the lease is in's not 'renewed', so you don't get any more bonus money.
how many acres do you have leased? I think you'll be happy when the royalties start coming in.
24 acres. Its only for the last 5 days of May though. It didn't go to market til the end of may. I have no idea what the check will be like. Theres 2 involved. Any ideas?
I bet just for those 5 days you're looking at 700-1000
that would be nice. I hope so.Thanks


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