Hello all!
I have been doing a little research and speaking with friends and neighbors about forming a group to address the needs of those of us not yet represented by a landowners group.
This led me to call ALOV after hearing that they had accepted some acreage in Trumbull county.
I paid little attention to ALOV earlier as their website did not list Trumbull county as an area of interest, although the work they were doing was certainly of great interest to me.
From what i gather there was a cut-off of June 30 for sign-up with ALOV, they extended that and also had a meeting at RD banks Chevy in Champion. This may not be news to some of you, but i had not come across the posting until after. The word i got from an individual at ALOV was that Chesapeake set a northern geographical cut-off in Trumbull county of St.Rt.88, again this may not be a newsworthy flash to some. Many landowners attended, more than expected according again to a source at ALOV, and signed up their acreage.
Now heres the news, ALOV has agreed to start a "Waiting List" of still more interested parties from areas north of St.Rt.88. If you call them with name, address and phone number they will put you on the list, and depending on level of interest, they may choose to represent us as a group in a similiar fashion, with the same or even better terms to Chesapeake, or another interested party.
So call up ALOV, their number is listed on their site www.alov.us , and ask to be included in their next go around. From where i stand why re-invent the wheel, they already have done the groundwork and have the attention of the industry on favorable terms, lets ask them to either start another "Pool" to include us, or come work with us to the same end.
If you have information to share, please join in the discussion, Thanks
Hello again to all my fellow Utica Shale Owners. I Just stopped in to ask if there were any who signed with BP from the ALOV Northern Trumbull county group, that resulted from these efforts, still around.
Has anyone had any conversations/correspondence from BP concerning title defects, or other issues that would delay payment or affect your lease, or gotten a check for Bonus money?
Thank heaven! I am sick enough of all the politics everywhere else. We don't need it here!
Amen to that Debby!! By the way I hope you can get your title issue worked out sooner rather than later. Keep thinking positive.
I was able to get everything finished up and it went back to Houston on Monday. With a little luck it won't take them another month to send me my check!
Glad to hear that
Yes we do need it here. We need it here to the maximum but only as it relates to which candidate will best take measures to push to the maximum the development of natural gas. I am tired of seeing my tax dollars diverted to companies like Solyndra and other friends of the president who are in wind and solar. Actions speak louder than words and whether you look at his actions or lack of actions, this president is no friend of any fossil fuel nor even of nuclear. I do not give a hoot about who is more likeable. One candidate as a governor of a major state proved he could work with menbers of the opposite party. Maybe that guy won't be able to do the job but I'll take that chance because the guy that's in there now has proven he cannot do the job. Go do what you are going to do Debbie, and then enjoy 4 more years. We have gotten trillion dollar deficits for 4 straight years under the guy that's in there now But I know Debbie, it's all Bush's fault. (Sarcasm intended for those of you who don't get it.)
I don't know who you think you are, buster, but you know nothing at all about me. I don't feel the need for ANY kind of politics here on this site, no matter who you are stumping for. This site was set up to keep us informed about what was going on with our leases concerning BP and ALOV. There are plenty of other places to go to support your candidate....try Facebook. Please take your sarcasm and hike your butt off of this site. It's for people who have concerns about our own personal issues with our leasing, etc.. BTW, if you are going to try to insult someone, at least show enough intelligence to spell her name properly. And not that it's any of your business, but I am a Romney supporter, you stupid jerk.
Only trying to make the point that who we elect may have a great deal to do with how or even if gas is developed. We landowners have a very big stake in what both our state and federally elected officials do or do not do. I think you would agree with that . I have tried hard to study the current administration's rhetoric and compare it with their deeds. I find a big disparity. I may be a one issue candidate and I do get annoyed when this issue does not get the attention it deserves. If you read this site widely you may have seen a speech that our president gave in Ohio saying that he really supports natural gas. The overwhelming number of responses to the site by people smarter than I were very skeptical about that and found it disingenuous. But the average person on the street probably read it with an uncritical eye and were hoodwinked. I hope you have a lot of gas and that you get paid fairly for it. Who you support or do not support is your business but it is sad that Ohio is apparently going for the current holder of the office and Ohio may decide the election. It may also decide whether you are going to have an enormous increase in the taxes you pay on whatever money you may realize from your gas. I regret the last several sentences of my prior post.
Really now, why would you say that?? tsk tsk, shame on you. Whom we elect to national and state political office is vitally important. I want candidates who are friendly to the responsible development of fossil fuels but particularly natural gas because it offers many advantages over petroleum and coal. I own land in western Pennsylvania and I hope there is gas on the property, indeed I hope there is a whole lot of gas. This is a major issue for me and I believe one candidate for the office offers a much rosier future if he is elected, especially for the development of natural gas. This issue may not be important to you. That is your right. But to bellow "No Politics" seems to me not to be a very reasoned post. Perhaps your candidate has such a poor record that you are unable to defend him. Therefore your only response is to pull your hair and stomp your feet and bellow at the top of your lungs "NO POLITICS!, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!!
Sam, most of this was in response to a post that I replied to that was very rude and out of hand ,.... and then the post was deleted. I agree it did not belong here, however mostly because I felt it was highjacking the original tile of the thread. my post now looks kinda sill in a way up there if you didn't know there was one deleted.
Have a great day and good luck to those that have not been paid yet. Keep the faith.
Anyone get paid this week?
nothing here in Farmdale
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