This week a Senator revealed a new EPA set of regulations which include the study of "fracking" in the Utica, Marcellus, and other shale formations around the country. Coal is not the only mineral under attack by this administration. They are to go into effect right after the election, according to the Senator's report.  For those of you that want to keep your chances of receiving royalties the reason to vote against Obama is more important then ever. Please vote!!! This play will be shut down. 

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If someone hasn't decided who they are going to vote for by now, then I pray to God that they don't vote at all. There are very clear differences between Obama and Romney. If you don't recognize that by now, you don't deserve to vote. 

If it come to risk of who to vote for check the two web sites here and then vote! 

Romney's Church

Obama's church

Simple choice God Bless America

Mormons don't belong to a church. It is a cult!!!!!!!!!

Case in point the magic underwear!

Case in point the planet Kolob.

This issue has nothing what-so-ever to do with the election of a president, especially when you compare Romney with Obama.  Does anyone have a clue what religion Obama is part of???  Although the election is over and those who are totally uninformed regarding the negative impacts that are sure to result will certainly have four years to live with their choice.  I trust these naive, ill-informed folks are enjoying the fuel prices, unemployment, food prices, their welfare checks, and food stamps. We are all in for a bumpy ride.  The good news...........WE WON'T HAVE A MORAL, CULTIST LEADING THE COUNTY.  Folks with your mind set Frank, should be banned from the voting booth.

  For those of us not in the sweet spot hopefully we can  hold off on the oil portion till we get a new president if we last that long.  We saw the democrats under Carter pull off the WINDFALL PROFIT TAX that striped away 60% of the royality that landowners received when the price of oil went from $11.80/Bbl to  $38/Bbl in the 80s.  What do you think they will do now. Back then it was BIG BAD OIL and the American public swallowed it when in fact it was a well head excise tax which had no bearing on the profit from the finished products.

  There was no reason in H that in county in  the Utica Shale area of Ohio voted for Obama unless the landowners thought more about a lease bonus or well than in protecting themselves. Face it the anti frackers are embedded with the democrats the only way we as landowners might see relief is if the government allows fracking with the antifrackers getting grants to play the  publicity game in job security just like Tobacco Control.

  I wonder if I can pre order my flag for my casket while we still have them around. As for me I took my house flag folded it up and put it away for it shall not fly in hypocrisy. 

I am personally happy that the guy in the magic underwear didn't get elected. Cults are for losers.

Everybody relax its not the end of democracy. The people have voted and in four years we can do it again. It's our right.

  Every time America has looked weak to a enemy we have have had to go to war. We have Obama  thats going to discuss nuclear weapons with Vladimir  Putin! Romney was nice in the debates Putin on the other hand would spit upon  Obama in a flash and not think twice about it. The possible formula USA-A+S+R= USSR

Your dreaming, now that the takers have learned the power of their vote, we will never see another conservative elected president.

They have short memories.


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