Hi all,, dont usually post but a fellow farmer told me about black river wells on a few sites in louden twp carroll county. I drove out an saw it for myself. Right on the permit board. 3 point pleasant wells and 3 black river. Rig on site and drilling. I could see six to seven rigs from one hilltop. Probably drove by several dozen pads between perrysville, kilgore, harlem. Most pads have 3 wells and many more have six drilled or drilling. And a few had black river and utica on the permits while others stated 6 point pleasant. Keep in mind this is heart of chk country. As a landowner i believe we are mostly unaware of what we own and big oil wants to keep it that way! We have a farm that has a well drilled and fracked under with the new sure lease waiting on 60 day rest and now they are doing siesmic. Also we did not sign to increase to 1280 so to answer a few other questions on here they split the unit. 470ac north and 470 south. With 250 ft well spacing and 3000ft wide units theres gonna be way more than 6 wells on these pads let alone multiple formations. This thing hasnt even started yet. I love reading all the speculation about hot spots and drilling slowing down.lol there is a master plan with multiple formations and they dont want you to know about it. Stick together landowners and dont settle for their bs! If u havent signed get a sure group lease 5800 and 20% gross royalty atleast. If u have an old lease hbp like some of ours you will do fine on those im sure. Just dont ever ever sell ur minerals to those scum bags royalty companies either. Weve been offered 5000 for a 50% share of our royalty per acre of our old lease 12.5 % ground. If they are willing to pay you that for half of your 12.5% net lease then what is the real value of your minerals???? Only time will tell. Ps i also belive the royalty conpanies are owned or in cahoots with chk. Good luck everyone. It

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I certainly hope folks took the time to read your post sir. Great insight from someone who knows "The Game". Thank you for driving home the fact that , no one here is under any pressure to sign anything. Someone posted those PDC numbers from Wills Township Guernsey yesterday, most of that country is HBP with acreage restrictions of 80 to 160 acre pooling on the old clinton leases. Same with many of the 10 dollar Oxford Oil leases , 160 acre pooling. The ammendment process has not even started yet in those areas.

Folks had better wise up to signing these ammendments for a little bit of nothing, you have alot more power than you realize. These BOE/Liquid numbers are huge ! And these areas are not blocked up like Chesapeake's, they need your acreage.

Thank you sir for taking the time to inform folks..... I share your passion for helping the little guy.

Jimmy W




Not many shout outs like this one from the ground level, thank you fellow landowner for this true and raw advise!

I have heard the same thing coming from folks in Harrison county.....


Multiple formations..Utica,Black river....and one deeper yet that has yet to be named.....and suppose to be a "sea of oil"  in the deeper one.



Is there any info on how deep the TBR. is?

Get the API # for the wells and check the permits - the Trenton wells may only be vertical pilot(s) for Point Pleasant/Utica wells.  And different operators permit Point Pleasant and Utica differently, but they're likely the same target.

Just a few thoughts, worth double checking either way.



Diffrent api numbers on all of the pads i checked. Same operator chk. Im not a conspirasizer but i just found this interesting. Some pads didnt have tbr while others did in the same area. I just checked our wells permit board and found a tbr permit. Status drill new well. Diffrent api then the pp well. Workers are on site installing tank battries today. Only 1 well head on site. Also tbr permit had diffrent longitude an lat than pp permit. Im in carrollton. Its the kovach pad. Ill do some more homework and keep ya all updated. Feel free to chime in anyone. We must all stick together an educate ourselves ab help those not leased.

Are the TBR permits in a dry gas,wet gas or oil area?

they say this is wet gas country but have heard rumors of a lake of oil down there from old timers years ago before any of this started. Could be rumors or where theres smoke theres fire. The only fact is we wont know whats going on now for a few years. Just like 2 yrs ago we were in the poor marcellus region an 5 dollars an acre made u lucky to be leased. I know they are doing the same tactics west of here in wayne, holmes and all those other counties. A bummer of a well is a great way to keep landowners in there place.

You said you were offered $5000 per acre for 50% of your mineral rights. Was this for your total acres or your "net acres" (half your total acres). ?  If you have 100 acres did they offer $500,000 for 50% which is reality is offering $10,000 an acre for mineral rights. I hadn't seen an offer this high so if so is good news.


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