I am told that Marcellus wells 'generally' run northwest and southeast. Is that true, and when the word 'generally' is used, does that mean 90% of the time, 70% of the time, etc?   Thanks in advance for your input.

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It is true, though I don't know the percentage of wells that run in that direction. I assume from reading  the attached pdf that its almost all, if not all of them. There is a good explanation of the reasons why in this pdf. You should have posted in the general shale discussions section instead of here in the misc. section, many more people would see it and respond. 


Thanks Oliver.  I have land that neighbors property that pads are about to go on.  My proeprty is south-west of those pads, so I was just curious.  I will read the attached as soon as I get a moment..


Southwest of the pad might not be good. If you are really close to the pad, it would still be possible to have a small portion of property in the unit. I've attached the SWEPI Drake well unit pdf so you you can see what a typical unit looks like. The well is in the northwest end of the unit, and the horizontal will go southeast. The unit is the rectangle in the center and is about 3,000' wide x 6,800' long to give you some perspective. This well is in Butler County, PA


Thanks again Oliver.  Pads and construction in every direction so it will just be a matter of time.  I'm not one to hang my hat on it or lose sleep over it - sice I don't have control of it - so if and when it happens, so be it...  That being sai, it is fun to educate myself...

Does the Utica follow this same orientation for well alignment?

I believe it does follow this same orientation. I know for sure the SWEPI wells being drilled into the Utica in Butler County follow the same direction. I have the well plats for the Drake, Puryear, and Williams wells and the Utica well from each of those pads are headed southeast from northwest.


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