Does anyone have contact information for an XTO landman in SE Ohio?

Any leads will be much appreciated.   I would rather contact someone already in the area than work my way through the Houston office.

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Don''t know what's going on with XTO, but didn't EXXon just execute a buy-out deal with them for several billion $$$?  Just read it.  May-be that's slowing you down .

Really ... a landman?

Thanks for the replies.   Yes, I know that XTO was purchased by Exxon but XTO still appears to be the active subsidiary in SE Ohio.   They have their name on a well in Belmont and another in Monroe, and have purchased several leases under the XTO name.  An authorized agent would work for me.   I'll call Ft Worth (office on Houston St).  My mistake.   If anyone knows a more direct route to them in the area, I would appreciate the info.

They have an office in Woodsfield next to the courthouse, but seem to operate under the radar. 

Just realized I had drifted back in time on that "news" blurb.   Monitoring site overload!  Hope you make the connection you need.

Janice, maybe you should stay on the sidelines in these conversations rather than give us news from several years ago.  But thanks for trying..

Have XTO contact, will send name & phone privately.  Friended you.

I know two of the landmen working for XTO in that area. I will send you their information privately. i think you need to accept me as a friend first.

If you accepted his request, you should now be able to send Brian a private message by clicking on his username.

please shoot me an email also. Thanx

maybe everyone in Green township, Monroe county should get together and present the parcels to a driller as a group..George

I agree George John Lusk formed Eastern Monroe Land Owners in May of 2011 and signed a deal with Eclipse December 2012 for $5250 per acre 20% gross NO fees to the "LANDMAN" The lease wasnt bad either .

I contacted them by e-mail.  They were quick to respond, but that was before the Beck Energy v. Hupp decision.  They acknowleged right away that they had bought my lease from Beck, but also said they had no plans for drilling in the area soon. (but remember that was before the suit).  Just a suggestion but e-mail worked for me. 


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