I'm pretty new to all of this and I think I finally figured out how to post on the Crawford Co. site.  I posted on the 'main' site and found out that the Lippert well is still being flared.  Does anybody have any up to date info on the progress of the Byler and Staab well drilling?  thanx in advance.   mk

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welcome to our crawford county site. I have no new information that hasn't already been posted. Are you a landowner in crawford if so what twp are you located in?


thanx, and I'm a landowner, southeast corner of Summit...  I've seen some of your posts and several of you guys talk with a great amount of knowledge.  I'm learning and appreciate the threads guys like you are putting out there.  It's a big help..

We are all learning on here. A year ago I didn't know anything about any of this. Now I know enough to know I need to know more. I'm located in Greenwood twp about 5 miles from the Byler well. Hopefully we will see the few wells in crawford become outstanding producers and good strong leasing offers follow. Please join in to the discussions ask any questions you have. We have a great bunch of knowledgeable people here I'm sure someone on here will have an answer or at least a opinion to your questions.


it would be interesting to learn if shell purchased the vista leaseholds coming up into geneva along 285. they bought the mercer county  ones. i heard today they are going to put a well just east of camp perry.

Welcome to GoMarcellus, Mark.  We're all "enjoying" this "opportunity" to learn all we can while we wait for the lease market to heat up (not that we have any alternative to waiting:-).  Since we may be neighbors, let me take this opportunity to "advertise" for the local landowner groups.  I think any of them will more than pay for the small cost to join and benefit from the negotiating power of large numbers of acres.  Of course, forming a drillable group of contiguous neighbors pays even more, as it will increase the odds that we'll all get a good lease and royalty income more quickly.  Make sure you know your own HBP issues, etc, then  find out who your neighbors are and their lease status, and check in to try to get to a block of 600 to 1200 acres, or more.

I am also new.  We live in Georgia, but have had 16 acres in Summerhill township for 40 plus years.  We have been approached by Kriebel Gas concerning leasing.  Other than that we are completely novice.  We do not know who our neighbors are, but we do see a well pumping across the road from our property.  Do you recommend we contact these folks or what process do you go through to get in touch with local neighbors.  I noticed Bob Jenness stated below that he recommends trying to get 600 to 1200 acres in a group...we are a long shot from there.  Any advice you can give us will be greatly appreciated. 

rick, I see both Bob and Berk have a lot of informative comments and I read stuff from a guy namve Brian Powers who seems to have an incredible amount of knowledge from the technical side.  I can't be much help.  To new on the blog..  good luck.   mk


You can find out who your neighbors are on the Crawford Co gov. web site then goto Land/Property then GIS Mapping and click on   GIS Parcel/Address
 Enter The Site then Zoom in on the Tax Parcels. and meet your neighbors.


Good Luck . Todd


The Staab well is rigging-up today.  Deck & generators were there last night and derrick & tanks were pulling in this morning.  Should start drilling ASAP!

Andy,   any further updates on the Staab well.    thx,  mark

Temporary impoundment has been set up on the Staab pad, water trucks have been filling it up for a couple weeks now.  Fracking should start soon...

Halliburton is fracking the Staab well now.  Frac spread is set up and traffic on Bentley road is like Erie at Christmas.


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