Hello everyone:

                         I have not posted anything on here before. I have always just read the comments of others. I thought I would just post some thoughts. After being patient for 8 1/2 months I still have no answers like others in the south east Mercer County area. Is Halcon going to be held responsible for their actions? Are they going to be made to pay for the contracts they signed for? How qualified is M&P when it comes to representing the landowners of group 4 against a company like Halcon with deep pockets. Will we get an honest effort from M&P or will they make it as short as possible and except less than what we deserve to mitigate damages on their behalf. I have just read, in detail, the civil suit against M&P by Terra Energy LLC. Now it seems to me that the landowners not only have to worry about being pushed around by an unethical oil & gas Co, but now we have to worry about the real motives of the law firm we have to represent us. Are they going to treat clients like they treated business partners? I think if given a chance M&P will come back to the land owners after any legal actions against Halcon with a bogus report how they couldn't do much and if we continue it will tie up our lands for years, of course due to a half hearted attempt at getting us what we legally are owed.

                        I only have this attitude after listening to M&P for 8 1/2 months tell us how important it is to stick together as a group but they will break up the group at the drop of a hat to sign a little chunk to this O&G Co and another chunk to a different O&G Co. This sticking together only benefitted them by having all of us available to them for whatever size of lease they could get from any other O&G Co. After seeing an E-Mail to Terra Energy Advisors LLC from Jack Polochak describing how maybe Terra Energy should  get some leases signed by an O&G Co that are less than desirable for landowners to make it look like A Co he was partnering up with was successful in the oil and gas leasing business. That just shows me that he will sacrifice his clients profits to improve his and his associates. I think everyone should read the Lawsuit especially the landowners of group 4. Maybe I am seeing this in a sinister way and I am just swayed by how the rest of the world does things these days. Here is the link to the Lawsuit. I would like to know how many other landowners see it the way I do.


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Sad my fellow landowners sad.

For the life of me why do landowners many times push the leasing of their land through landgroups before it is their time in this PLAY?

Please revisit all that was written for you in the beginning of GMS.

Excellent point Ron...Our family made that same mistake as well by joining a group and tying our land up for a year with no results...except lots of attorney bills to pay!!!



@ Rockjul...I have a very similiar situation like the one you are going thru. The attorney involved in my situation was never concerned for the  best deal available for the landowner or fellow marketer's. He also ran over myself, and others through a calculated and manipulative scheme to conceal and misrepresent all the facts, to defraud everyone. So everyone needs to be watch for these type of human beings that are only interested in themselves! In my opinion...your post is not sinister! It is right on...this attorney even made the following comment to me,"C'mon Dan, we are all big boys here...business is business...besides,you will never be able to prove anything...anyhow, I have an army of attorney's that say what I have done is perfectly legal"! I 'am still tryng to swallow and digest that statement!!! Furthermore, I hope my case gets in front of a jugde and/or jury...hopefully, justice will prevail over greed, lies and deceit!!!


Daniel Rupert:  If you would add me as your friend on this site, I would like to talk to you about your situation.  I have a pretty good idea who you are talking about.  If you friend me, I can email you my contact information.  JJB

M&P should offer to represent those landowners in group 2 of Mount Jackson 4 for FREE. They should work their butts off to find alternative lease offers for those disappointed landowners! That is what a reputable law firm would do in a similar situation. They still lined their pockets with millions of dollars on the lands that Halcon did pay leases upon. If M&P has such a great agreement with Halcon, why has no class action been filed by M&P against Halcon? Is such a lawsuit in the works? M&P says they have some agreement with Halcon that obligates Halcon to pay ALL members of Mount Jackson 4! Have any of you disappointed landowners seen the text of this agreement? If so, I would suggest you post it online. If not, I would suggest you demand a copy of this agreement! When you get it, have your own attorney review it to determine if M&P has a reasonable chance of succeeding in a class action suit against Halcon! These are just suggestions. If they do not make sense, ignore them! Frankly, I hope M&P has a strong case against Halcon and succeeds. I just have my doubts. The allegations in the current suit against them, if true, paint them to be a pretty shady outfit!

For all you dissapointed landeowners.....Page 96.

Thats what you got.

Page 96? How bout a link...

Page 96 in the attached PDF file.

It just makes me think, do anything, say anything, get them in, get them signed.

It does not matter if we dont have any idea what we are doing or know what we are talking about. The lawyers can handle the tough questions. Pay me Yay!!!

I think she used the phrase..."wing it?"

Samuel:  There is no lawsuit in the works for several reasons.  First, what were the landowners told?  Sadly, I have information that they were told that there were no leases, just "options" to lease.  I have asked numerous people who signed and were not paid to either post what they signed or send me a copy.  Silence.  Second, and more important, is that each landowner needs to carefully ascertain their relationship with M&P.  That is, were M&P acting as thier attorneys generally, or in a limited context, such as bringing Halcon to meetings.  Again, I have asked many people to provide me with documents that they have signed.  Silence.  Until someone steps up and decides to question what really happened to them, there will be no progress.  Anyone can friend me and we can talk outside of this general forum.

Certainly you can't evaluate what they signed if you do not have the documentation. I think you are trying to help. my guess is they signed mere "options to lease" and that M&P either knew or should have known that was the case. I also strongly believe that M&P allowed various non-lawyers who were employees or agents of M&P or of CX to stand up at meetings and tell all in attendance that they would be paid if their title was good. I believe that in every case an M&P lawyer was in the crowd who knew or should have known that the documents that landowners signed were in effect "options to lease". These "leases" or options to lease are presumptively integrated contracts that speak for themselves. Nevertheless I wonder if M&P may have engaged in activities that amounted to fraud in the inducement. Bear in mind that M&P claims to have a document between M&P and Halcon that obligates Halcon to pay all members of Mount Jackson 4. I do not know if this is true. It does not appear to me that any landowner has seen this agreement although if it exists they might be third party beneficiaries of said document. Your comments are very helpful and I hope there will be some response by aggrieved landowners.

Mr. Brink...please call me @ 312-659-4481 or e-mail me @ danielrupert@rocketmail.com

Thank you in advance...

A direct quote from CX & M&P (http://www.legacybanquetcenter.com/CX-Energy.html)... 

"Mark your Calendar: Lease Signing Event!
First and foremost, we want to thank all of the Mt. Jackson 4 Group Members.   Your overwhelming response and cooperation over the past few weeks was greatly appreciated.  We are excited to announce that the group has grown to 38,337 acres, and Halcón Resources Corporation has agreed to execute leases for all members of the aggregation group. 
The dates to execute the Halcón Resources Corporation Oil and Gas Lease which has been negotiated for Mt. Jackson 4 members is scheduled as follows...Please note that this is the final step of the process for Group members and you must attend this meeting in order to complete the leasing process.
You will be receiving information in the mail this week. Included in the letter will be a Member Check-in Form, please bring this with you to the Lease signing you are scheduled for.  If you are unable to make that date, and want to attend another lease signing date or if you are unavailable for all 3 events please let us know and we will work out other arrangements with you.  Call 724-933-1311 with any issues.
Thank you!
Your CX-Energy and M&P Team"


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