Has anyone been approached by mineral and royalty buyers? And, if so what are the prices offered for each respective area? I am considering selling due to my age and any information would be helpful. Thanks...

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I only have five acres in Noble county!I leased to eclipes! But for 6,000 I would let it go! some people don't understand jut because someone is already leased! Doesn't mean you can't sell your lease for more money!


Rickey,  Not so smart.  See Atty Jeff Rokisky (he has a website) if you are serious, he has the best plan for selling mineral rights. You'll be sorry when the production starts regardless of the amount you sell for.   


If you sell for $6000, the buyer will recover his investiment in the first hour of production.  

I can mail your closing attorney the $6000 if you don't mind being stolen from.      Ron 

"If you sell for $6000, the buyer will recover his investiment in the first hour of production."

That's a really dumb and misleading thing to tell people.  Maybe try just a hint of honesty when telling people how to live their lives.

At this point I am getting upset with Amish that keeps beating up the roads where my property is! I was there few days ago and the state put down a little gravel But didn't help to much! I remember when I bought the property is beautiful there and the roads was in great shape! You could drive a car to the place! Not now everytime I go there it takes and hours to clean my trailblazer because of one certain area I have to go threw! unless I take the long way and it's a drive already from me! one hour! plus the pipe liners are messing up my lane! But they are suppose to fix it when done! really I could use the money! I just bought a new deer camp for the place and thinking I should have waited and kept my money! since I am starting to hate going there lately!

But all is good if I don't get anything else out of the place! my daughter will when I am gone!

$6000 / acre / hr ??? If that were the case, there wouldn't be a single gas powered anything in the world. 

The offers are on a per acre basis.  So 20 acres at $6k = $120k offer.  As good as people try to make these wells out to be, they will never be producing enough that a 15% royalty on them will get you $120,000/hr (or even per day)... if they could do that, CHK could just walk in and ask to plunk wells down and most people would insist on baking them a pie while they waited.

$5,000 columbiana county, center township.

$6000 per acre, Monroe twn, Harrison cty, HBP so they get the 1/8th.

I've received multiple offers (both written and verbal) to purchase my mineral rights over the past six months.  I own just over 20 acres in northern Harrison County, Ohio, leased to CHK in 2011.  The offers have ranged from $3,000/acre to $8,000/acre.  I have not sold my rights and do not intend to do so.


          You are a smart man.  I wish more people understood what they are sitting on. 

Some will be surprised when the production starts. Hopefully they will not have sold to those willing to take advantage of them.  

If you need help to see if you are part of a permitted well let me know and I can check the ODNR map for you.   Ron

hunter   The companies that are buying mineral rights know how to use the ODNR Interactive Map to determine if you have a permitted well that will bore under your proprety. I've found that when you are shown in a permitted well, your mail to "Share" or purchase minerals will go up. 

The more you know about what you own, the  less probable the buyers will steal from you.   Good Luck.

By The Way:  email me to share WV land with mineral rights and surface rights - mrrxtech_yah@yahoo.com I'm Looking for partners.

I wish I could read the ODNR then I could figure out where I stand...lol thanks for the link!

Thanks Ron... 


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