This is unthinkable, I could have never thought it was this bad. Remember the EPA's involvement in Dimock PA? Why would the EPA come back to sample water after weighing in that there was no contamination? Maybe a threat from Josh Fox will explain it:

Read this whole article, you will be amazed and disappointed in YOUR federal government. I cant stop shaking my head at this. Why is this not on the national news?

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As with most libs, they were "StarStruck!"  It is their American Idol time.


Not even a 1/2 inch fiecracker, guys.


No need to mobilize all the histrionic political cliches.


The fact is that the EPA has NOT interfered with the development of natural gas. In fact, fracking has become huge during the current EPA leadership.


(I would suspect that many persons emails may contain some difficult to explain comments if widely publicized.)


As the leader of the EPA, she was charged with doing what is best for her empolyer. Being influenced by some "journalist" is impropriety. The EPA administrators bias is intolerable, and  acceptaning this conduct perpuates further misconduct.


The only reason the EPA hasnt interfered is because the science refutes their bias. These people's comments make it clear as to what outcome they were trying to manufacture, too bad for them that the test results cleary show otherwise.


Why do you think she is no longer the head of the EPA? The answer is that the President shed a liability.

The fact is that the EPA has NOT interfered with the development of natural gas.

In fact, fracking has become huge during in spite of the current EPA leadership.



When I travel around PA, I see a fair amount of gas drilling activity. Seems the only thing that stops it is market forces--low commodity prices. Not the EPA.

Seems that it is being done with a solid record of safety, aside from a few exceptional events.

I think that is how it is supposed to work!

As citizens, we should expect the EPA administrator to respectfully listen to complaints and investigate them. Many of the complaints will lack merit. Many will be nonsensical, perhaps. But they must be considered.  In the absence of evidence or threat of environmental damage, the drilling should go on.


And it has. Perhaps not everywhere-NY comes to mind. But that is not the EPA.


That's all I have to say on the matter.



it may not be the epa in new york stephen, but it's the epa's sisters. they all come from the same cut.

This is vile.

Our Tax Dollars at work for us!!!!

Or one could likewise say: "Our Tax Dollars at work against us!!!!"


An inconvenient truth:

The current Federal administration wishes to push us into using "renewables"; in spite of the substantial added monetary costs to the consumer, in spite of the negative environmental costs associated with some of the "supposed" green technologies.

They are willing to shove their idea of the "future" down our throats; regardless of economics, science or logic; all at a time in history when we can least afford the costs of such a failed vision.

The new reality of Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas has arisen (courtesy of the Shale Revolution) and risks thwarting their plans.

To their dispair, the economics and the environmentally friendly nature of  Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas has changed the dynamics.

The current Federal administration appears willing to throw the Working Class under the bus .... denying them (and the Country) the economic benefits derived from Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas.

The expanded use of Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas for the generation of electricity is both cleaning up the air that we breath, but it has also lowered our utility bills.

The expanded use of Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas for our transportation needs (people and freight) could clean up the air that we breath, lower our fuel bills and vastly reduce our dependance upon expensive imported oil (much coming from countries opposed to our values).

To add insult to (real) injury, our Government stands in the way of Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas as it promises a renaissance in jobs in industries that had earlier departed these shores.

Not only do misguided policies directly attack our wallets, they place a cloud upon citizen's job prospects and the countries future.

We are being held hostage to the failed vision of a utopian future powered by moonbeams, when a brighter future is delayed (or denied) by persons standing in the way of the implementation of Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas.


Clean, Green, CHEAP Natural Gas is the ANSWER!

Now, what was your question?





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