Amen! I was worried that the anti-capitalistic, anti-fracing zealots would gain traction in Ohio. Thankfully, it seems that the early indication is that Youngstown will defeat the amendment. Thanks to Ron Eieselstein, Mark McGrail and others for spreading the word and defeating this measure. I can sleep better tonight knowing that only New York is suffering mental disorder. Speaking of NY, it's activist & liberal judicial branch struck down common sense and sided with the thought of home rule. Clearly things are upside down in my home state:


Good night all!


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Hang in there David, keep the lawsuits up in NY and make the fractivist leaders "pay" the landowner for the "taking."


Yes, McGrail, the local industrious and I just had to get down and dirty with these Marxist, but we sure showed them they now have no place in the new energy regions of the great USA.

Dave, be ready for Youngstown and the Utica to explode, the governor was just here and we are sick and tired of 40 years of depopulation and the braindrain.  Go Youngstown!

Hail for the Truth!  Thank you fellow USA Members - Learn something AntiFrackers!  Educate yourselves with Fact based knowledge, and embrace the emerging Energy Boom! Way to go Ron - Mark - and all others involved!

RE: "The antifracking Charter amendment is projected to be defeated. The vote is 2,847, 56.5 percent, against the measure with 2,192, or 43.5 percent, for it."


Abraham Lincoln had something to say about the fractavists (aka Silly People):

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

People are starting to wise up!





Congratulations on the Youngstown victory, I hope you all can continue this crusade.
I hope these left wing poverty pimps are defeated, for the economic misery they cause in our cities.


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