My dad has a lease run out in June, and he had a landman stop yesterday. Apparently, they are offering $1,000 per acre.. LMFAO


Does Shell really think the landowners that signed the original BS leases are gonna come out and sign for that after their neighbors just signed for $3,250 6 months ago? I know, I know, it's the old they don't have competition. Tell you what, add up the acreage of all the old leases coming due, along with current holdouts, and they just found competiton. I really hope that landowners, without LAWYERS can keep communication lines open and not settle for BS lowball offers....

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the latest reports are that the companies have enough leased land to drill for the next 30 yrs....


the idea is to get into the possibility of block asap... look at all the gulf port drilling in Belmont, Guernsey area that Wishgard did for everyone..  They are the real winners..  money in pocket, good lease and  drilling opportunities now..

Wonder what Shell is going to do with the Guernsey County acreage, the little guys are off to the races and not a peep from the big dog, wonder if they will look at Enervest's Guernsey acreage for sale to finish out some units ?

Not sure how you think anyone with a Wishgard lease is a winner, evidently you don't understand anything about leases or lease language.

Wishguard sucks

I don't see a need to be putting down each other over intelligence. The intelligent ones are the ones sitting in offices offering you a $1000 a acre. If his lease runs out then let them come for it. I would not shop it out there unless he is in real need of the money. I have nothing against attorneys around here but many are not familiar with the new O&G game. So for anyone of you to think you're smarter than the other. You are among the learning people of the area. Including but not limited to the attorneys. Yeah they can pay for expensive seminars and take notes. It's the person supplying the information at the seminars I would want representing me. Not all seminars are true to life experiences either. But I would want all the info not just a 2 hour or more seminar to learn from. I got on this forum way before I signed anything. I didn't need an attorney I was using the life experiences I learned on this forum to guide me. The good and the bad.

Well put.

it's really hard for most folks to understand, but in good shale, the real money is in the royalties...not the bonus.

I have land in an area that was leased for $2000-2500/acre several years ago. today I wouldn't expect to get much more than $500/acre offers. and I might sign too.

but! for the lower bonus, I want a shorter term lease and a more generous royalty clause.


Lance - it is a real bugger to try to 'time the moment'. IF you decide to 'keep your powder dry' once you/your dad-property are 'out from under a all MAY want to 'bide YOUR time'. - IF you are in a position to 'keep your powder dry' (i.e. you don't need the money:

wdnm (work like you don't need the money, llnh (laugh/love like you've never been hurt, dlnw (dance like nobody's watching) ... that said,


WHAT is 'your plan' - reading through the various things you've posted, I'd have to say that you are a 'thinker'...SHELL is a 'game unto itself'...

... I STILL think there is an 'upper-handed' G/O agenda to 'take the ground' on the cheap & they've just run into a 'speed-stealth bump' SNAG that has put a damper on things - or their 'deck of cards'/cards in hand would be SHOWN.

Thank God for the internet. Thank God for this GMS site. *Even though I've been tossed about in the 'twists & turns' on this site - I've 'learned' - as have you.

I'm sure that I'll learn LOADS MORE before the 'GASLADY SINGS'!...I can take a 'sucker-punch' & I've seen that you can 'hold your own' too.

RN/SD (red at night/sailor's delight) RM/SW (red in the morning/sailor's warning) just neds to learn how to rwi (roll with it).


So with all of that mumbo-jumbo...what's the plan, man? IF it were myself - unless it's something you are SO 'hot & heavy' on pursuit, I'd be a bit more coy in what is completely in your head concerning this.

ARE you being 'pursued' at this time? Do you need the money -or- are you in a position of nsomb (no skin off my back)?


IF THEY are in pursuit of YOU...then you've got something. THEY are doing the 'chasing' & YOU are their huckleberry of desire World Wide Words: Huckleberry. The world is then your oyster. IF they are 'hot & heavy' after you...then YOU try to figure out WHAT it is that they are in pursuit of...could be a pipeline ROW...because they need to get the product from one place to the next - and you are 'right in the middle'...or ?...THAT is up to YOU to 'figure out'. Sometimes it's bloody obvious, other times quite stealth.

Keep your eyes open - you'll see. Wait & see. If you are inDEED getting 'released' from your shackles of a present lease - due to expiration...and they ARE trying to RE-tie you back up...there's a DEFINITE will be theirs to 'know' - YOURS to 'find out'. Where's Columbo when you need him? IF this is the case  - tyt (take your time) IT'LL wiwo (work it's way out).

As one light lights another, nor grows less, so nobleness enkindles nobleness. wM3s (walk a million miles in my shoes)

GG there is a lot of fat on that steak you serve up, Just say what you mean, of course there is a reason that shell is contacting his father and that would be a business decision, and if we were in there shoes we would all be playing the game the same way, we just don't see it that way due the excitement and the very real potential of future income, farmers buying new tractors, farms coming out of hard times, once the gas prices get above that magic number of $4.00 mcf and stays there for a substantial period this area will get there pay out, cooperation and patients is what will develop this resource efficiently.  

slow dow, Norm...'you'/G/O Co. WANT HIS land - straight up, cut to the chase, Joe blowhard...BS (best scenario?) you're trying to 'pawn off' now. tsk, tsk, tsk - SHAME.

AmeriCANs are ALL about 'competition'...wait a minute...just wait a minute, friends. *HEY - I just figured out 'the code'!!! YES!

***OK, huddle-time, landowners! ***They KNOW that we *RED-BLOODED AmeriCAN's* ARE just that - we are:


YES, it DOES...God bless you, man (Norm) -- YOU have given refreshed HOPE & DRIVE to the GREAT AMERICAN DREAM!!!


I couldn't come to a 'close' on WHY tis was bothering me so much...I just wasn't able to quite 'get a handle' on the whole thing...UNTIL NOW. How refreshing! AHHH!!!

***Wanna' know what it is, AmeriCAN LANDOWNERS?...the G/O Co.'s were BUILT on the very AMERICAN SOIL that you possess...THEY 'know the game'...and they know that - for NOW...***CONFUSION*** is they BEST asset they have with you all 'out there'! WOW - this is prophetic...almost takes my breath completely away!

Oh, than you, thank you, thank have SHOWED ME THE have SHOWN EVERYONE THE MONEY...their 'hand' is NOW an *OPEN BOOK*!!! YIPPEE!!!

OFF we are to the G/O races!!! Frac Daddy by a nose! - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: Leasing, Dr......and away we GG-O!!! Better BET than I ever had hopes of before -- YOU'VE HELPED TO CRACK THE CODE! won't 'step on each other's TOES when it comes to AREAS because there is a silent 'gentleman's agreement' to buy/sell/trade when the time comes - AMONG YOURSELVES!!! 

I WAS RIGHT ON THE MONEY! YES!!! Called the G/O ball back in Jan. 2013!!! YES!

SO 'HOT!' - SHELL game SUCKER-PUNCHED? - Go Marcellus & Utica S...

BIB (Business IS Business!!!), rhm (right hand man), haw (house always wins), lom (lock on the market), imwk (inquiring minds want to know), swg (share with the group), rbay (right back at you), ***EVERYTHING WILL wiwo (work it's way out), rwi (roll with it!)...dtyt (dance to your own tune)...THIS IS HUGE!!!

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Hat's off to you, m'friend! THANKS oh, so much!!!

happy that you cleared that up

Norm...DO you get what I'm saying?...i'm not kidding here...

No 'if's', &'s, or but's about it m'friend!!!

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. LOCK, STOCK, & BARREL!

GG, not sure which acronym you used, but we don't need the lease, so we'll wait. And yes, they are the ones that stopped at the farm. Someone on here said it perfect. they always want to come through and pick the "low hanging fruit." I don't fault them for it, but we're also not game for it either.


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