how can you figure out if your signing with someone that almost has a land unit in place to start drilling? if you sign with someone thats still 200 acres shy of what they need to drill, you could be waiting years for them to complete there a resource for all of s to join together to create the land unit they need and get the best deal we all can get becasue we are ready to go? 

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The company that leases can show you maps of what they already have leased around you. You can contact your neighbors and set up a unit of acres for negotiation purposes. The company that drills only needs 160 acres or even less to justify a well. Get the shortest lease you can get-Mine are three years-They don't drill-you get paid again. The gas company will never promise you when they are going to drill. If they make that promise-I will guarantee it won't be in the contract.
not always true,Rice energy gave us a drilling commitment in the lease.
Hello Mark what did Rice pay 1500 hundred an acre over a three year period?
Exactly what does your drilling commitment say.
The lease expires. What do you get? It also expires doesn't it like 18 months or three years ? I have talked to Toby Rice on different occasions but I wasn't interested in what he was selling. Now say if he had been willing to pay me say a few thousand dollars an acre a year for the remainder of the lease if the drill schudle hadn't been followed I would have been interested in that. Now I have neighbors waiting for thier lease to expire(with Rice) next year.I hope you get the wells Rice has promised you as sechluded but if all Rice has to lose is 1500. hundred an acre I wouldnt spend the money just yet if I where you.

Hey I like Rice  energy a lot..very easy to work with so far....what type of acreage do you have?



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