Is there any activity in Monroe County happening with XTO Energy?

I am aware of very little activity, maybe two permits? I know they have quite a bit of stake in the county but I have seen very little activity. Trying to see if anyone has any information on anything that is in the works for them in the county. Also, is Exxon someway tied in with Antero? Thanks.

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API Well Number 34111243710000 Permit Issued 3/8/2013
Landowner MONROE BECK B UNIT Acres Well No. 1S Date Commenced
Owner XTO ENERGY INC. Well No. Date Completed
Logging Co. Core No. Sample No.
County MONROE Township CENTER Quadrangle LEWISVILLE Zone S
Section 31 Lot          Tract Twp. Qtr.
Surface X 2384936 Y 651339 Bottom X       Y       NAD27
Surface Lon -81.130335 Lat 39.780326 Bottom Lon Lat NAD27
Surface X 2353474 Y 651379 Bottom X Y NAD83 SPS
Measured 1466'SL & 357'WL OF SEC. 31 (N)
Prop TD 9700 Class STRT     Tool RTAF
GL 1194 DF KB LTD 9700 DTD PB Depth Date PB
TD Form. Prod. Form. Status Well Permitted
IP Natural IP AT Initial Rock Pressure Date Abandoned
Casing Record
Log Types
Formation Top Bottom Source Prod. Non-Standard Remarks
Annual Production
Year Source Oil Gas Water Remarks
Generated 10/9/2013 12:06:09 PM
API Well Number 34111243650000 Permit Issued 12/14/2012
Landowner MONROE NORTH UNIT Acres Well No. 2S Date Commenced 5/15/2013
Owner XTO ENERGY INC. Well No. Date Completed 7/24/2013
Logging Co. Schlumberger Core No. Sample No. 5606
Section 23 Lot          Tract Twp. Qtr.
Surface X 2463273 Y 668075 Bottom X       Y       NAD27
Surface Lon -80.850568 Lat 39.822670 Bottom Lon Lat NAD27
Surface X 2431812 Y 668116 Bottom X Y NAD83 SPS
Measured 445' SL & 160' EL OF SEC 23
Prop TD 10800 Class STRT     Tool RTAF
GL 1240 DF KB LTD 10934 DTD 10930 PB Depth Date PB 7/26/2013
TD Form. TRENTON LIMESTONE Prod. Form. Status Well Drilled
IP Natural IP AT Initial Rock Pressure Date Abandoned
Casing Record CND* 30 0-80-0, Comment: 80, Sks: 200  SRF* 24 0-303-0, Comment: 303, Sks: 526  I1* 18.62 0-713-0, Comment: 315, Sks: 227  I2* 13.37 0-2515-0, Comment: 2515, Sks: 1300  PRD* 5.5 0-17057-6000, Comment: 17057, Sks: 1026  PRD* 8.5 0-17107-0, Comment: 0  
Log Types Compensated Neutron Log, Dual spaced neutron, Sonic, Sonic porosity, Borehole compensated sonic, Drill Pipe Conveyed, Compensated Neutron Log, Dual spaced neutron, Sonic, Sonic porosity, Borehole compensated sonic, Compensated Neutron Log, Dual spaced neutron, Induction, Phasor induction, Compensated Neutron Log, Dual spaced neutron, Induction, Phasor induction, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate, Rate of Penetration, Drill Time, Drill Rate
Formation Top Bottom Source Prod. Non-Standard Remarks
1ST COW RUN SANDSTONE 870 900 Driller No GAS @ 885' KEENER SAND 1820 1884 Driller No OIL @ 1820' BIG INJUN SAND 1884 2108 Driller No WEIR SAND 2255 2316 Driller No BEREA SANDSTONE 2441 2478 Driller No OHIO SHALE 2478 6150 Driller No RHINESTREET SHALE MEMBER 5397 5810 Driller No MARCELLUS SHALE 6150 6205 Driller No GAS @6110' BIG LIME 6205 8187 Driller No ORISKANY SANDSTONE 6372 6415 Driller No BASS ISLANDS DOLOMITE 6853 7857 Driller No LOCKPORT DOLOMITE 7857 8187 Driller No PACKER SHELL 8453 8473 Driller No CLINTON SAND 8517 8725 Driller No QUEENSTON FORMATION 8725 10556 Driller No UTICA SHALE 10556 10644 Driller No GAS @ 10600' POINT PLEASANT FORMATION 10644 10733 Driller No GAS @ 10644'
Annual Production
Year Source Oil Gas Water Remarks
Generated 10/9/2013 12:10:25 PM

XTO's activity in Monroe County appears to be  at a standstill perhaps until the challenge of the Beck Energy leases is final.   XTO left the Monroe Beck Unit site and told the real landowner they would be back in a couple of years.    I would love to be a little mouse with big ears listening to Exxon/XTO discuss how they got into the Beck Energy void lease scenario and how they plan to come out of it being a rose without thorns.

I think that they will likely be involved in the play and just avoid the Beck leases. They purchased a large amount of leases and figured they would be able to drill without any problems. However, they came into some legal issues with leases that had never had any wells on site. They have quite a bit more acreage in Monroe County that is not tied up with Beck and I see them coming in as soon as there is adequate infrastructure in the county. In theory you can have a big farm but if you have no way to take it to market there is no since in even trying to grow anything. Monroe County as we have seen in recent months is full of wet gas which is in fact what the big companies are after. The infrastructure is coming as the data reflects. Being over 1500 miles away the only way we can track activity it is through this site and the

I am in marion co. w.v.  . xto   is  mainly the company in the area that's doing the gas work here. I jus got a call for my minerals and have been in contact with land man about putting super pad on my place .if not too late I will try n give info on all business with all info I obtain .                                                                                     jeff

I thought this thread was discussing XTO.   Apparently there has been a shift and now the discussion or offer is about American Energy Partners and Aubrey McClendon.   Read this article and learn that Mark West is going to do 80% of the transporting and processing. And Aubrey plans to develop 110,000 Utica acres.

I am NOT telling you this is a good deal, you have to make that decision yourself.  IMHO remember to  think about the following items:

Monroe landowners make sure you get a very good lease signing bonus, at least 20% royalty or more, and NO market enhancement clause--make sure it isn't disguised in some paragraph.  Bargain well, you have what they want, get a BIG slice of this pie if you want to lease to Aubrey and Company.  Talk with your neighbors. Find a very competent lawyer to read the lease before you sign.  Don't believe everything a landman/woman says--they are not working for you.  

Monroe County is one of the two or three most sought after acreages in the last few weeks.  Your neighbors over in Belmont is one of the others.


Sorry Jed, but I am NOT ENDORSING,  just sayin'   Monroe landowners look out for your interests  and hey the rumor has been that taking a good long hard look at the "non enhancement clause" is very necessary.   Landowners always need to be wary of whom they allow access to their property.  Also when I am saying get a big slice of the pie means IMHO anything less than 10,000 per acre is too cheap. 

So no Jared I am NOT ENDORSING this deal.   I just want Monroe landowners to get  great deals if they want to lease with whatever company they want to lease with.  And what I am spreading is be ever WATCHFUL of those who come to you with a great deal.  They will come in person, by mail, and yes by internet.

Jed you are on the inside so just how many acres in Monroe have your two previous deals leased?  



Best to take the high road here Jed.

No I didn't advocate to anyone to sign for 4250 and while I may have a lease for that amount on 17 acres it was the very beginning of the play in Monroe.  You know the way I look at that lease I got paid and learned a lot about leases and I am just passing on some opinions.  So don't get in a posting war here. 

Learn to stand on the merits of what you are offering and allow the great people of Monroe County to make an informed decision after thinking about various parts of a lease. And I stand by my opinion that 10,000 is an appropriate amount for acreage in Monroe County given all the new info that has become available in the past two years.

And NO Jed do not start that some leasing group or oil and gas company is my associate.  Some previous poster tried that before.   I AM in NO WAY associated with any oil and gas exploration company  or any company or concern that one of the company hires to secure leases and I do not get paid to post on GMS.

All I am saying is we landowners have learned a lot and use the knowledge when they are approached about leasing.   

Remember, Jed, take the high road, and let people express ideas,  ask questions, and if they decide to sign with you they do and if they don't that's the way the decision goes.  lol That is one part of being a U. S. citizen everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all get to make choices, and express ideas.

Isn't all solicitation supposd to be in the specific county page?


Promotion CANNOT take place in the;

1) General Forum (ie, the homepage forum

2) Ohio Landowner's group

3) Pennsylvania Landowner's group

4) West Virginia Landowner's group

5) New York Landowner's group

The new solicitation policy.

"There is zero tolerance for unauthorized solicitations and spamming in the homepage forum and the Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia Lanowner's groups. Personal emails, websites or phone numbers will be assumed to be solicitations in these areas. Permitted sites to post include news, licensed non-profits & government agencies. Additionally, utilization of one's profile photo and/or name to promote a biz is prohibited."

"Where you CAN promote: Promotion of one's land/land group/services can be made in the "County" groups. IE, the groups that have "county" in its title."

Thank you, Chris and Philip, I was hoping someone would notice this thread and take issue with it besides me.  I was attempting to wave the red flag and no one was joining in. 

Jarrad, how about deleting this discussion and beginning a new one on XTO, I do have a few more comments regarding Exxon/XTO in Monroe County--it was a good discussion. 

Thanks again Chris and Philip.

I am sorry if I did something wrong by posting in monroe co. was just trying to be helpful . im new to the web page . I will not post here any more.....again I  am sorry,



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